Friday, May 18, 2012

“Machine Gun Preacher” Gets Boost from Sci-Fi Convention Attendees.

Sci-Fi and Speculative Fiction Fans have found a new home in the Johnstown area. Now they are working to help provide homes for Sudanese Orphans at the first Annual Sci-Fi in the Valley Con.

Sci-Fi in the Valley Con will be holding its first-ever charity auction to benefit “Machine Gun Preacher” Sam Childers’ Angels of East Africa (Yes, Sam Childers is a real person and not the figment of someone's imagination that resulted in a Hollywood movie) this Saturday afternoon at Ebenburg, PA’s North Central Recreation Center. Childers, best known from last year’s Biopic “Machine Gun Preacher,” in which he was portrayed by Gerard Butler, founded the organization to build Orphanages and provide aid to Sudan’s “Invisible Children,” affected by war for nearly the past three decades.

Casey Bassett, Promoter of the Convention, has been working with the organization to put together this Charity Art Auction with works donated from vendors and local artists representing the broad spectrum of Speculative Fiction themes. Original Art Pieces include depictions of Dragons, Zombies, Superheroes, Fairies, Space Monsters and More!

The auction will be held during the convention at 186 Schoolhouse Road, Ebensburg, PA, and is being run by the Professional Auction staff All proceeds from the sale will go directly to Angels of East Africa. The auction begins Saturday, May 19th at 3:10 PM, but bidders can preview the catalog online, register, and leave absentee bids at even if they can’t make the live event in person.

For information: or
Phone: 610-997-0165

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