Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Transformers Combiner Wars Optimus Prime

Presenting the Transformers Combiner Wars Optimus Prime.

Well technically this is Ultra Prime: The Transformers Combiner Optimus Prime with the Aerialbots Alpha Bravo, Firefly and Skydive with the Decepticon Stunticon Dragstrip.

Yes a Decepticon. Hasbro chose to release the series sans one Aerialbot and released a Stunticon instead.

And being the suckers we are we just could not wait for the second wave of Combiners and bought Dragstrip instead just so we could have a complete set to review.

Personally we're hoping that Hasbro or any other 3rd party group releases other combiners that are more.... robust. Perhaps a combiner team dedicates solely to Prime.

Combiner Wars Optimus Prime's blister pack simply states: "The Autobot commander has been upgraded with the power of the Combiners, giving him the ability to link with any bot to form Ultra Prime!"

It then goes on to describe Ultra Prime as a combination of the aforementioned Autobots and single Decepticon.

This will be an incredibly long review so we're changing our format a bit.

What's to like about the TF Combiner Wars Optimus Prime?

FIRST: We won't really delve on the design because there are mixed feelings about the design. Some people like it, some feel like Prime has become some sort of Quasimodo figure.

But we like it.

Optimus Prime is a combiner now so he definitely cannot keep his old "balanced warrior" form that we all know and love. No. Optimus Prime must be broader, stronger, a powerhouse.

Which is what we feel the Transformers Combiner Wars Optimus Prime brings to the table.

At least he's not fat.

SECOND: Transformer Combiner Wars Optimus Prime's articulation is EXCELLENT! Not only can he twist at the waist, this particular Optimus Prime has the ability to cant his spine back so that his torso can face up - allowing him also to crouch if necessary:

Optimus Prime's two weapons can be combined to a thin long rifle that he can dual-wield if you dislocate his shoulders:

THIRD: Optimus Prime changes into a pretty solid truck - with a very simple transformation sequence (9-steps):

Notice how Prime's weapons resemble parts of an engine block? Too bad they don't combine to form one.





You don't follow the instructions.

So I suppose we begin this sub-review by saying that Ultra Prime has one of the dumbest designs we've seen in a Transformer EVER!!!!

To begin with he walks around with his power-source - the Autobot Matrix of Leadership - exposed. Granted he's not the first Prime to do so, but we don't think highly of that Prime either.

So the simple solution is... close the chest plates.

The earliest images of the Ultra Prime showed the use of the minor Combiner War Transformers to block the exposed Matrix. Specifically the Decepticons Bombshell and Thundercracker, and the Autobot Windcharger.

Here's the thing:

a) Windcharger:  No. He does not attach to the chest of Ultra Prime. You just sort of wedge him into place so he doesn't fall off - which he will. Though it's possible that we just can't figure it out:

b) Insecticon Bombshell:  The internet was abuzz with images of the Ultra Prime chestbuster with Bombshell exploding from Prime's chest. He CAN'T!!!! He's just locked into place by the half-closed doors of Ultra Prime's chest - or again, we can't figure it out.

c) The Deception Thundercracker. Thundercracker is the only Transformer that currently can combine with Ultra Prime:

The next problem with the instructions for Ultra Prime is that he looks like he's in extremely dire need to sit on a toilet - especially from behind

The problem is that the instructions require that Ultra Prime's codpiece be attached to the pegs on his upper thigh. If you do so he looks like that, AND! his legs are locked in place. The solution is simple. Unlock the codpiece and close Ultra Prime's legs. We also had to tighten Combiner War Optimus Prime's leg joints - just open them up with a small screwdriver and tighten them, else Ultra Prime will keep falling on his own weight

And then Ultra Prime is simply magnificent.


We already discussed Powerglide late last year.


We count Powerglide as an Aerialbot. Because he is one.

FIRST:  Individually they are a VERY big improvement over some of the previous combiners we've seen. In the past Combiner arms and legs were... usually found lacking in detail and articulation. Priority would go to how they would transform into their combined mode part and not so much detail was given to how they would appear as individuals. We started to see a lot of improvement when the Transformers Fall of Cybertron Bruticus was released, but there were compromises made in his gestalt form and in each individual form as well. Bruticus' final gestalt could barely move kept falling apart and looked like crap.

Each of these new Combiner Transformers are wonderful as individuals. You can give them as gifts and the recipients won't feel short-changed that you gave them a part of a greater whole. They'll feel that they got instead a wonderful toy that is also a part of a greater whole.

All of them can't kneel, that's true, but their articulation is wonderful thanks to their ball joints and the ability to twist at the hip. They are also solid - very little empty spaces to fill and they have wonderful detailing.

1) AERIALBOT SKYDIVE: The Aerialbot's Master Tactician transforms into the bastard child of an F16 and an F18.

Not only is the Combiner Wars Optimus Prime the best Aerialbot flyer, he is also the quietest and most bookish.

He also has the best looking paint-job since he ignores the primary white color of the other Aerialbots and comes in with a nice drab gray, black and blood red.

We're particularly fond of his face which actually reminds us a bit of a Megatron's.

Except he isn't a Decepticon.

2) AERIALBOT FIREFLY: The Aerialbot's Recon Specialist.

Okay we don't get how Firefly is the Aerialbot's Recon Specialist when this is the Aerialbot who spaces out and doesn't watch where he is flying.

In fact the rest of the Aerialbots were once almost killed because Firefly was out enjoying the beautiful day flying while the rest of the Aerialbots couldn't form Superion while tangling with a Giant Purple Griffin.

Combiner Wars Firefly transforms into a Harrier Jump Jet and is currently the only Combiner Transformer with landing gear.

He kinda looks like a Prime and sports arm mounted cannons to supplement his rifle.

3) STUNTICON DRAGSTRIP: The Decepticon Stunticon Dragstrip

In 2011 we featured the Transformers Dark of the Moon Dragstrip and we fell in love with how he became a shield.

The Combiner Wars Dragstrip doesn't change into a shield this time.... well.... actually we think he can. We'l try that later.

But we are particularly fond of the Combiner War Dragstrip's very cobra-esque face. It's positively diabolical. It almost looks like he has his tongue out actually.

The face fits nicely with his short-sword. We really see him as someone who who speeds behind the enemy, sneaks up behind them and stabs them in the back - not because he can't face them up front, but because it's more fun.

Combiner Wars Dragstrip comes with the ability to adjust his length by folding up his rear spoiler. Dragstrip is quite long, so when he has to become Ultra Prime's leg, he can become shorter

4) AERIALBOT ALPHA BRAVO: The Aerialbot's Special Operations Specialist.

Not much is actually known about Alpha Bravo. He's not one of the original five Aerialbots. He's a product of the IDW comic book series where most of the original Aerialbots were damaged. He takes the place of Slingshot - who isn't here anyway, so we suppose he's taken the place of Slingshot.

He apparently has a thing for heavy hardware - he is after all special ops. We are particularly fond of those forearm mounted missiles and his main weapon which shows the large caliber bullets.

As mentioned the four combine with Combiner Wars Optimus Prime. Naturally they can take any position they want - left leg, right, leg, left arm, right arm. Doesn't matter. Only Dragstrip has to adjust his length if he wants to become a leg. FIFTH: We're particularly fond of the new "hand/feet" shields. They have very high articulation and they look wonderful!

Oh and Powerglide becomes a really nice gun!

SIXTH: Unlike Bruticus, Ultra Prime does not have to lean against the wall to display his high articulation - but heed our note to tighten Ultra Prime's leg joints first or he'll jeep doing the splits - Ultra Prime is really heavy. Ultra Prime's joint locking system - which is new also kept Ultra Prime from losing any of his joints during the shoot - again so unlike Bruticus.

SEVENTH: Ultra Prime can kneel!

What's NOT to like about the TF Combiner Wars Optimus Prime?

FIRST: We won't really cannot argue with the people who say that that is a really bad looking head for Optimus Prime.

There have been rumored attempts to change his head of a Kre-O Optimus Prime. We wanted to try this, but then we saw images showing just how brittle Combiner Wars Optimus Prime's neck is.

So we won't. We'll keep him instead as Ultra Prime.

SECOND: There is an issue with how thin both Combiner Optimus Prime and Ultra Prime look from the sides - particularly at the hip/codpiece areas. Perhaps there will be an upgrade in the future.

Still. We love them.

The Transformers Combiner Wars Optimus Prime was purchased at retail from Toy Kingdom in Megamall here in the Philippines for PhP 1, 499.75 (US$ 33.32). It is available on Amazon for US$ 24.99 (PhP 1,124.55 plus shipping). Each of the other Transformers Combiner war characters was purchased individually for PhP 799.75 (Roughly US$ 17.77). They are all available on Amazon for US$ 18.99 (Roughly PhP 854.55 plus shipping), except for Transformers Combiner Wars Skydive who retails on Amazon for US4 24.45 (PhP 1,100.25 plus shipping).

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