Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Star Wars Rebels Hera Syndulla Action Figure

Presenting a Hera Syndulla Action Figure from the Star Wars Rebels Toyline.

As Captain of the Ghost, technically Hera is the leader of the "Rebels" - that and she does tend to be far more diplomatic and capable than Kanan Jarrus - who she also bosses around a lot. So "Go Girl Power!"

A lot of people have been looking for this figure and lamenting at Disney/Hasbro's decision to cut down the production numbers of Hera Syndulla and Sabine Wren action figures under the misguided notion that boys do not like to play with "Girl Toys". So while she's not drop dead rare, loose she's worth around US$ 12 (Roughly PhP 540) right now on the black-market. We purchased her at retail along with a Stormtrooper Commander for US$ 15.55 (PhP 699.75). On Amazon, the set is worth US$ 18.77 (Roughly PhP 844.65 plus shipping).

The reason why her price tag is not skyrocketting, despite her production shortage is, in our opinion, probably because the Star Wars Rebels Hera Syndulla Action Figure is a drop dead horrible action figure.

This will be a short review.

The Star Wars Rebels Hera Syndulla Action figure's blister pack doesn't say anything at all. So what do we know of her? Hera is the daughter of the Twi'lek Cham Syndulla. We first met Cham in the Season 1 Episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Lyberty on Ryloth." Cham is a Twi'lek freedom fighter who is recruited by Jedi Master Mace Windu in combating the forces of Wat Tambor, in order to liberate the planet of Ryloth. He is seen again later in Season 3 fighting alongside the ill-fated Jedi Master Ima-Gun Di.

How Hera Syndulla ended up all the way in Lothal has yet to be revealed.

What's NOT to like about the Star Wars Rebels Hera Syndulla Action Figure?

FIRST: Five points of articulation. We really, really hate this retro trend that Disney and Hasbro are on to bring their action-figures back to the Dark Ages. Yes, Hera Syndulla only comes with five-points of articulation.

So what kind of poseability can we expect from her? None whatsoever. Hera Syndulla is nowhere near as flexible - nor as sleek - as the agent provocateur that she is made out to be in John Jackson Miller's Star Wars novel, A New Dawn.

Here's the extent of the action that you can get out of the Star Wars Rebels Hera Syndulla Action Figure:

Just let her stand there looking stupid.

Speaking of looking stupid, unlike the high detailing that we praised the Jedi Temple Guard - which comes from a similar series - Hera Syndulla comes with abysmal detailing. She looks like a choked frog versus the lovely Twi'lek that she is.

This is what a Twi'lek should look like - presenting Jedi Knight Aalya Secura.

Even Aalya Secura's animated version looks better than Hera Syndulla's

Both Aalya Securas bear better detailing and higher articulation than Hera Syndulla's.

What's to like about the Star Wars Rebels Hera Syndulla Action Figure?

FIRST: Sigh. We don't really know. We suppose it's nice to have a Hera Syndulla action figure, but frankly why are we collecting this kind of garbage? Don't we deserve something better than this?

Disney and Hasbro should wake up and realize that we're not stupid, and we're not all kids.Nor should we morally just swallow with a smile whatever they produce.

We deserve better Disney.

We deserve better Hasbro.

As mentioned, this particular Star Wars Rebels Hera Syndulla Action Figure, along with an equally abysmal Storm Trooper Commander, was purchased at retail form Toys R' Us in Galleria here in the Philippines for  PhP 699.75 (Roughly US$ 15.55). Amazon, has her available for US$ 18.77 (Roughly PhP 844.65 plus shipping).

Avoid it like the plague and pray we get something better in the immediate future.

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