Friday, January 22, 2016

Star Wars Titanium Series Tie Interceptor

Star Wars Titanium Series Tie Interceptor
Presenting a Tie Interceptor from the Star Wars Titanium Series toyline.

The TIE/IN starfighter or TIE Interceptor, was developed following the disastrous Fei Hu campaign between the Empire and the Rebellion where 286 TIE Fighters were destroyed by the T-65 X-Wings of the Rebel's Light Panther Wing - who suffered only 4 casualties.

Of course none of this is canon now that Episode VII has rolled in, but given the proclivity of the writers of Star Wars Rebels to make the Empire's forces look like amateurs and complete idiots in the face of an incredibly technologically advanced Rebellion, who knows?


Regular TIE Starfighters were called "Eyeballs" by the Rebellion. Because of the angular design of the solar collection panels, and narrower profile, TIE Interceptors were nicknamed "Squints". As their name suggests, TIE Interceptors are designed to use their superior speed to avoid enemy fire and quite effectively pick-apart more heavily armed or shielded opponents. TIE Interceptors come armed with:
  • Original:
    • Four SFS L-s9.3 laser cannons
  • Refit:
    • Two SFS L-s9.3 laser cannons
    • Four Blaster Cannons
    • Optional multipurpose warhead launchers.
  • The rebel A-Wing fighter is still faster
  • Shields are optional (Really?)
  • No hyperdrive. 

Star Wars Titanium Series Tie Interceptor
What's to like about the Star Wars Titanium Series Tie Inter-ceptor?

FIRST: The design. One of the reasons why we hate Star Wars Rebels is because the Empire rules by fear and the writers of Star Wars Rebels makes you wonder what exactly there is to fear about the Empire.

Fear is one of the reasons why we love the design of the TIE Intereceptor. Not only is it sleek and sexy, it's basically a black claw flying through space spewing laser bolts at you while coming at you at a speed that you can barely comprehend.

That's a perfect psychological hammer. Add to that the fact that while they don't have the power to blow you out of the sky (maybe) in one pass, Interceptors just keep coming-and-coming and you can picture the desperation of Rebel pilots as they can barely keep up with the Interceptors - what more shoot them down.

SECOND: Look at that detailing! The reason why we love the Star Wars Titanium Series so much is that they throw in the most minute of detailing into such small toys. Look at the surface detail of the solar-panels, and all the little nooks and crannies that were built into something so small. We're particularly fond of the engine:

What's NOT to like about the Star Wars Titanium Series Tie Interceptor?

FIRST: The size. But we guess there's nothing we can do about the fact that it is only around 3 inches long. But that''s about the only problem we had with the figure.

Another problem is that we can't find it on Amazon anymore. So we guess it's kinda rare. If we had a fleet of them these would look great on a tactical table similar to that used in Battlestar Galactica.

It's a nice little collectible.

Star Wars Titanium Series Tie Interceptor

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