Saturday, June 25, 2016

Marvel Legends Civil War Captain America Action Figure

Marvel Legends
Marvel Legends Civil War Captain America Action Figure
Presenting Captain America action figure from the Marvel Legends Civil War Toyline.

This is a bit late. The movie is long over nad has crossed into that magical 1B mark. If you've been following this blog then you know that we absolutely loved Captain America Civil War! This particular figure has been sitting in our side-lines for quite some time now, so we decided to feature him.

For our thoughts on Captain America Civil War, click here.

To those who are wondering, no Captain America did not wear the same uniform that he wore in Captain America the Winter Soldier. You can tell by the glaring lack of red and white stripes in Cap's Winter Soldier costume.

For more about the Marvel Legends Captain America Winter Solider Action Figure, click here.


The Marvel Legends Civil War Captain America Action Figure's blister card simply says "An ally to justice, Captain America charges into the battle with his shield at the ready." We don't think Captain America Civil War was about justice, but whatever float's Disney's boat.

The figure also came with the head of Ant-Man/Giant-Man.

Now just like the Captain America Action figure from Winter Soldier, this Captain America's shield cannot be stuck onto his back, but with the help of a generous glob of blue-tack, it is possible to stick Captain America's shield to his back.

Here's the evolution of Captain America from the first Avengers series, Winter Soldier and Civil War:

Civil War
Marvel Legends Civil War Captain America Action Figure
As you can probably tell, the Marvel Legends Civil War Captain America Action Figure is a repaint of his Winter Soldier version, with a brand new chest torso.

Civil War
Marvel Legends Civil War Captain America Action Figure

Action Figure
Marvel Legends Civil War Captain America Action Figure
What's to like about the Mavel Legends Civil War Captain America Action Figure?

FIRST: He looks damn good! I daresay better than his Winter Soldier counterpart. That new torso really does a lot to improve his appearance.

Since he's a repaint with a new torso, this Captain America still retains the finely made textured cloth like (Kevlar?) exterior, and now you have what looks like additional plates of armor close to his chest area - more armored plating than hisWinter Soldier counterpart.

Should you wish you could also change out his hands and head with the alternates of the Winter Soldier, but the brown of the hands will be lighter.

Marvel Legends Civil War Captain America Action Figure
Note that Marvel gave Captain America his traditional red-white-and-blue shield back versus the blue "stealth" shield that his Winter Soldier variant came with. We love the movie-accurate gray interior of the shield.

SECOND: And of course, articulation is excellent! 

Yes the Marvel Legends Civil War Captain America Action Figure can kneel. You can have more fun if you add a stand:

Marvel Legends Civil War Captain America Action Figure
What's NOT to like about the Mavel Legends Civil War Captain America Action Figure?

FIRST: I think the darker paint makes it less obvious but just like his Winter Soldier counterpart, the Marvel Legends Civil War Captain America - being a repaint for the most part - is still kinda scrawny for a Captain America - especially after having witnessed that panty dropping display of masculinity Chris Evans gave the world by holding down a helicopter.

SECOND: Cap still comes with that deadpan face that we complained about the last time i.e. Captain America looks bored to be here, or Captain America looks bored to be kicking your butt.

Other than that, its definitely one of the best Captain Americas in our possession.

The 6" Marvel Legends Civil War Captain America Action Figure is available on Amazon for US$ 17.97 (Roughly PhP 845 plus shipping).

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