Sunday, July 17, 2016

2011 Thundercats Thundertank with Thunder Racers

Presenting the Panthro's Thundertank with the Thunder Racers attached from the 2011 Thundercats animated series toyline:
2011 Thundercats
2011 Thundercats Thundertank with Thunder Racers
Accompanying the Thundertank are Panthro (At the controls), Lion-O (Up front), Cheetara (Left Thunder Racer), Tygra (Right Thunder Racer) Wily Kit and Wily Kat on their hoverboards (Flanks) and Snarf (Sitting on the engine).

It's been five years since we reviewed Cheetara. We've since misplaced her bowstaff. 


The 2011 Thundertank made its first appearance along with the introduction of Panthro in Season 1 Episode 4 "Song of the Petalars" of the Thundercats. Panthro responded to Lion-O's use of the sword of Omens to project the Thundercat emblem in the sky and used the Thundertank to save Lion-0, Cheetara, Tygra and the Wily Twins who had become trapped by Slithe between his robot army and a forest fire. 

In Episode 5 "Old Friends" it is revealed that the Thundertank was actually one of many such tanks in the army of Mumm-ra and that Panthro had stolen it. This probably explains why the front of the Thundercat may have claws, but doesn't look very cat-like. It's actually more dragon or lizard like in our opinion.


FIRST: The Mechanics and effects that. The playability really amused us. The 2011 Thunderatnk runs on 2 AAA batteries (Not included). Once you turn it on, the "Eyes" of the Thundertank blink red and the engine roars to life. Pushing the black fin behind the cockpit activates sound effects and again triggers the lights. 

2011 Thundercats
2011 Thundercats Thundertank with Thunder Racers
To the left-and-right "arms" of the Thundertank are a pair of pods - these were revealed to be unarmed motorcycle like vehicles in Episode 10 - "Sight beyond sight." To the back of the Thundertank are a pair of flaps that can be raised. Under each flap is a discrete that when pressed launches the pods and activates sound effects as well

The Thundertank is a bit smaller than the Thundertank as it appears in the cartoons. You can note the size discrepancy by replacing the pods with the Thunder Racers. The pods alone are supposed to be capable of carrying a Thundercat so you can imagine just how big the Thundertank should actually be: Also the cockpit should have room for two.

2011 Thundercats
2011 Thundercats Thundertank with Thunder Racers
We should reiterate that the Thundertank's pods are supposed to be un-armed. Tygra's Thunder Racer came with a "laser" - pushing a small button activates a red LED light. Lion-O's Thunder Racer came with a spring-loaded "drill" missile.

Within the Thundertank's cockpit is a receptacle for the magnetic stud that each Thundercat has on their backs. The stud holds the Thundercat in place and adds the voice or phrase of Lion-O to every sound effect that the Thundercat does. Phrases include "Thundercats! Hoooo!!!!" and "Thundertank! FIRE!!!!

The magnetic stud behind the Thundercats also activates a storage compartment at the back of the Thundertank. It's a great place to store loose accessories..

SECOND: The Thundertank is the only way you can get Snarf. He's a bit too large for the rest of the Thundercats. We think that there was a decision to make him better so that he could fit in the cockpit of the Thundertank and "drive it." 

THIRD: The design! It's low, sleek, sexy and a fine updated tribute to the original Thundertank.

The Thundertank also took into consideration Panthro (Sold Separately) and how big he is. From above and at first glance it looks like Panthro is holding onto controls. The reality is he's holding nothing, it lust looks like his huge hands are holding something:


FIRSTWhile we love the sleek, low rider look of the Thundertank, it deviates from the appearance of the Thundertank in the cartoons which has a more armored feel and a larger, bulkier engine. 

SECONDThe reduction in size also poses a problem: How do you fit 6 Thundercats and 1 Snarf into it? Let's keep in mind that, for a while, the Thundertank was basically the Thundercats' home. 

THIRD: When you replace the pods with the Thunder Racers, you reduce the playability of the Thundertank. The "arms" of the Thundertank are held in place by clips and pegs to the side of the main-body, when you attach the Thunder Racers, these clips and pegs cannot support the additional weight and the "arms" keep falling off as a result.

FOURTH: Our biggest disappointment with the Thundertank was the fact that in the cartoons, the Thundertank has a "chain knuckle" attack. The actual toy version does not, though the Thundertank an extend it's claws a bit and they are poseable, making it look like a Voltes V Panzer. 

This is a vehicle that has been in the Dungeon for round five years now, but it is still available on Amazon for US$ 27.89 (Roughly PhP 1,310 plus shipping). Each of the Thunder Racers are for sale for US$ 21.79 (Tygra's. Roughly PhP 1,024 plus shipping) and US$ 19.99 (Lion-O's. Roughly PhP 940 plus shipping).

All other Thundercats sold separately. 

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