Monday, February 27, 2017

Sonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus Prime

Sonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus Prime
I'm not a Shellformer, this is all armor
Welcome to a review of the Sonokong Big Convoy AKA the Mammoth Optimus Prime from the Super Life-Form Transformers Beast Wars Neo (Is it just us or do the Japanese - and Koreans - really like long names?)

Before Hasbro got lazy and created a modern generation of Transformers "Shellformers", there was this guy.

The literal king of kibble.

This is what it means to be a "Shellformer"

To the uninitiated, Sonokong's Big Convoy is also known simply as "Big" or "Slammoth". He bears the title of Supreme Commander of the Maximals (It's a military title). But unlike other Supreme Commanders who are level-headed and friendly, Big Convoy is a "One-Man-Army" with teamwork issues and a penchant for simply destroying what is in front of him with his Big Cannon.


Sonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus PrimeSonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus PrimeBig Convoy's wiki page reads: "While most Maximal Supreme Commanders are known for their level-headed and friendly natures, Big Convoy breaks the mold by positively wrecking and ruining anyone who gives him lip. A gargantuan bruiser of a warrior, he tramples the opposition in his woolly mammoth beast mode and utterly obliterates them in robot mode with his Big Cannon. He is known throughout the Maximal ranks as "The One-Man Army", a solitary Supreme Commander who can do the work of a whole battalion all on his lonesome."

Sonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus Prime
This is my Big Gun. There is no double entendre.

FIRST: Big Convoy looks impressive - strong, powerful, and armed with a big gun. He's such a big-guy, and he wants - no - demands, that his presence is felt. We know this because even if you were to re-position his horns down (Where they would be at it's narrowest), he'd still need a pretty wide door for him to walk through.

His facial sculpt carries the strength of Optimus Prime with a dash of the primal thanks to the horns - yes this Convoy is horny:

Sonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus PrimeSonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus PrimeSonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus Prime

When someone as large as Big Convoy enters a battlefield, you know that that's the guy you need to take down, but you also know that he's the guy that you don't want fight head-on.

We mean just look at the size of that cannon:

Sonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus PrimeSonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus PrimeSonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus Prime

Should the gun go, Big Convoy still has an "Alpha Strike" involving Gundam inspired missile launchers behind his back, a pair of "Mammoth Haken" missiles from his legs(Which can also be used as short blades, but they look weird), and a pair of hip-mounted cannons to rain fiery hell onto those who oppose him:

Sonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus Prime

And should all things fail - or should Big Convoy wish to grant you a "fair" fight - Big Convoy has a pair of clubs that can be folded out of his forearms:

Sonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus PrimeSonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus PrimeSonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus Prime

SECOND: By now you've notice that despite all the shells and kibble, Sonokong Big Convoy's articulation is quite excellent:

Sonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus Prime
Aaaaaannnnd.... STRETCH!!!!
Sonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus PrimeSonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus PrimeTHIRD:  Sonokong Big Convoy comes with a very nicely crafted Energon Matrix - which is technically like the Autobot Matrix of Leadership wielded by Optimus Prime. During Optimus Prime's time, there was only one Matrix, but by the time of Big Convoy, there were several - powering different Supreme Commanders. According to the wiki, Energon Matrices enhance the strength of a Supreme Commander, and have been known to "deliver powerful energy blasts, energize the bodies of the user to enhance their inherent abilities, power-up weaponry, enable combination, enable fusion (totally different), enable cloning/reproduction, and even act as a direct conduit with Vector Sigma to give the user access to wisdom and guidance.

Sonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus PrimeSonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus Prime

FOURTH:  Sonokong Big Convoy's Mammoth mode is just as impressive. It's not something you want to be standing in front of if he's charging towards you given that muscular trunk and those wicked looking tusks: 

Sonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus Prime
Sonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus PrimeSonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus PrimeSonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus Prime

Big Convoy's Mammoth mode also allows him to bring his Big Cannon and Mammoth Haken Missiles into play:

Sonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus Prime
PETA would not approve
Sonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus Prime

That's a pretty whacked out mode.

Big Convoy's Mammoth mode has two more gimmicks: Pulling on  a lever on top of Big Convoy's Mammoth head raises and lowers his trunk; Pulling back his ears raises and lowers his tusks:

Sonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus PrimeSonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus PrimeSonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus Prime

Sonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus Prime
I'm a cowboy

FIRST: The kibble on Big Convoy really is as bad as it looks - if not worse.

Our biggest gripe would be the Mammoth Haken launchers on his legs (They look like the Angora Chaps worn by Cowboys.) and the two legs/cannons on his hips which hampers his articulation more than any other piece of shell on him.

Sonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus PrimeSonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus Prime

SECOND: OMG trans-forming the Sonokong Big Convoy into his Mammoth mode is freakishly frustrating! We swear he's harder to transform than an ROTF Optimus Prime.

This is seriously something WE WILL NEVER EVER TRANSFORM AGAIN!!! EVER!!!

This particular Sonokong Big Convoy has been in the Dungeon for quite some time, but we've more or less ignored it. A brand new one on Amazon will set you back around US 70 (Roughly PhP 3,570 plus shipping).

It's a great piece to display, but a minor character in the over-all scheme of Primes.

Sonokong Big Convoy Mammoth Optimus Prime
Sonokong Big Convoy

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