Friday, May 26, 2017

Marvel Universe All New Wolverine Action Figure

Overall we found the Marvel Universe All New Wolverine a tad bit bland - in light of the previous X-23 figure - and we expected a bit more in terms of features and detailing. 

We reviewed the X-Force Marvel Universe version of X-23 waaaay back in 2012 waaaay before Marvel thought it would be a good idea to flood "diversity" into its books and accuse us readers of being unable to accept it.

Marvel's David Gabriel would later "retract" his statement by stating that readers were not happy with the abandonment of the core characters of Marvel in favor of their new female - or evil - versions.

Personally we think that not only did Marvel shoot itself in the head by gender bending or twisting its main roster of characters, but because their writing of late has been really bad.

Medusa decides to destroy the Terrigen cloud
Oh you didn't know?
Take for example the conclusion of the really, really bad Inhumans versus X-Men series whose conflict was resolved by Medusa destroying the last Inhuman Terrigen mist cloud because it "just revealed" to her that the X-Men were all going to die if she didn't.  Marvel really wants us to swallow that she didn't know that? Despite having regular briefings with the Beast on the status of the cloud and access to all his research? Despite her preparing the Inhumans for war because she knew the X-Men would come for the cloud? (Why? Because it's killing them that's why!)

We're supposed to swallow that and not be insulted?

X-Men's Cyclops
He'll be back
Oh and they killed Cyclops - not that we really care, but he IS the leader of the X-Men.

Iron Man - Modern Age
Iron Man
Another recent WTF involves Civil War II - which wasn't really much of a Civil War unlike the original series, but more of an Iron Man versus Captain Marvel showdown (Seriously Captain Marvel won this?). Unlike the original, this Civil War was a snoozefest - a series of drawn out repetitive debates which frankly all the other heroes should have just walked out of as it doesn't really concern or have any direct or immediate effect on their lives - unlike the registration law in the original series.

Ms Marvel - a better character than the bipolar Captain Marvel
Ms Marvel
The Incredible Hulk - Modern Age
All Civil War II did was serve as a tool to remove Iron Man and the Hulk from the active roster of Marvel's heroes. Which is funny considering the popularity of the movies. Marvel has this opportunity to introduce new readers to their core characters and instead of building on these characters, they replaced them. And Marvel can't claim that they did not have the opportunity to reboot like DC does (Which would have allowed more classic storylines to be replayed) when it merged their universes.

The Mighty Thor
The Mighty Thor
Personally we think Civil War also ruined Ms Marvel. "Captain Marvel" is an emotional wreck who goes from crying to arguing in a split second and believes that she is right in what she does regardless of what or who stands in her way - even if it's the truth.

Then there's the Unworthy Thor - who looks great by the way, but he needs his hammer back. Thor is unworthy of his hammer not because he's not the son of Odin, or through some weird historical twist like the hammer was born of the souls of a thousand dead babies. No. Thor can't lift Mjolnir because Nick Fury told him he wasn't worthy.


Thor can't get the hammer up because he's got something akin to erectile dysfunction.

It hasn't even occurred to him yet that even if he believes himself to be unworthy, he's still controlling the hammer because Odin doesn't consider himself unworthy and he can't lift the damn thing either!

Thor wielding Thorr's hammer
The last time Thor was truly glorious
Then there's Wolverine.  Why is Marvel so bent on making its most popular characters women? Is this a part of Disney's desire to turn all heroes into princesses in the same way that the Star Wars movies - and a good number of their books - now all have young women as lead characters?

The generally recognized "Trinity" of Marvel that matches the DC "Trinity" of Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman is comprised of Captain AmericaThor  and Iron Man. And today this trinity is:

Image result for iron man riri williams coverImage result for Thor female CoverImage result for Sharon Rogers

Yes Marvel, we know about Sharon Rogers hiding in the fringes of your creative bin.

We wonder if we should mention that the Iron Patriot is now also a woman?

We remember a time when Marvel launched a "Bringing the character back into comics" or something like that campaign, which heralded a golden age of characters being who and what they should be. This totally throws that away. Somewhere in the past few years, Marvel decided to give this all up for diversity and a seemingly feminist drive.

Sorry Marvel, but we comic book readers grow up secretly wishing we were heroes. Not all of us - from the look of your sales -  wish we were women.

Then there's Wolverine - who (true to Disney form) comes now with a psychotic "Little sister."

The All New Wolverine built upon the body of X-23
X-23: The All New Wolverine

FIRST: The All New Wolverine Action figure is built upon the body of an excellent action figure: Her predecessor, the X-Force X-23 - which is also pretty much the same body they used for everything else, but this one has claws.

Sadly this version ditches the really cool belt-bands that went around X-23's gloves and boots.

Still the body comes with incredible articulation.

Marvel Universe All New Wolverine Action FigureMarvel Universe All New Wolverine Action FigureMarvel Universe All New Wolverine Action Figure
Marvel Universe All New Wolverine Action Figure
Embrace me!
Marvel Universe All New Wolverine Action FigureMarvel Universe All New Wolverine Action FigureMarvel Universe All New Wolverine Action Figure
Marvel Universe All New Wolverine Action Figure
Hack and Slash!
Marvel Universe All New Wolverine Action FigureMarvel Universe All New Wolverine Action FigureMarvel Universe All New Wolverine Action Figure

And yes, Wolverine can kneel:

Marvel Universe All New Wolverine Action FigureMarvel Universe All New Wolverine Action Figure

Then add a stand:

Marvel Universe All New Wolverine Action FigureMarvel Universe All New Wolverine Action Figure

SECOND: We love the new hair sculpt. No it does not interfere with her head articulation:

The All New Wolverine's hair
Thor's hair is nothing compared to mine.
Marvel Universe All New Wolverine Action Figure
Is there something on my face?

FIRST: What's up with this shoddy facial paint scheme. It's really bad and you can see that whoever did it went beyond and haphazardly around the lines.

We're actually thinking of fixing it ourselves.

The SECOND:  problem of the figure is the same problem we mentioned in the X-23 review. Her hips prevent her from really sitting or kneeling down. Considering that X-23 is more of a dervish than a brawler like the original Wolverine, she really needed that hip articulation.

THIRD: Marvel had the opportunity to correct an item missing from the X-23 action figure but didn't. They didn't give her her feet claws.

Marvel Universe All New Wolverine Action FigureMarvel Universe All New Wolverine Action Figure

The Marvel Universe All New Wolverine Action Figure is available on Amazon for US$ 19.80 (Roughly PhP 990 plus shipping).


Marvel Universe All New Wolverine Action Figure

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