Sunday, November 12, 2017

Marvel Legends Female Loki

Marvel Legends Female Loki - A-Force SDCC set
"There are no men like me"
Somehow it is fitting that the Marvel Legends female version of the character the world is growing to love and hate at the same time - Loki, god of mischief - is very well made out of spare parts. 

This is the female Loki included in the Marvel Legends A-Force 2017 SDCC Exclusive box. To the uninitiated, following the events of Ragnarok in the comic books, Thor - thought dead - returns and rebuilds Asgard on Earth. Unlike the movie though he had to find all the reincarnated Asgardians, which in this case included a gender bent Loki.

Just like the movie version, the female Loki proved to be on no-one's side save his own, even joining the alliance of evil known as the Cabal. However towards the end of Norman Osborn's Dark Reign, Loki would stand and sacrifice his life in defense of Asagard. Her final words to Thor were "I'm sorry brother."

Proving in the end Loki was a hero at heart.


Marvel Legends Female Loki - A-Force SDCC setMarvel Legends Female Loki - A-Force SDCC setThe Marvel Legends 2017 SDCC Exclusive A-Force Loki's blister pack reads simply:  "A Being of Frost Giant descent, Loki also possesses Asgardian powers of shape-shifting and sorcery" However we should point out that her current gender at the time had nothing to do with shape-shifting.

She sadly doesn't come with any accessory - Norn Stones or even a staff like she wields in Marvel Future Fight, and comes with a removable cape that's held in place by - we kid you not, her hair and shoulders. No pegs, no hooks. Nada.

Marvel Legends Female Loki - A-Force SDCC set
In the end, you will ALWAYS kneel!

FIRST: She's made out of some really decent spare parts. If we're right her head and arms are retools from another SDCC exclusive - Satana - while her torso is a retool from a figure we really love - Rogue.

And the retools work well. We would have preferred if they gave her actual scale male instead of the paint on, but these are Marvel Legends. Still, we're loving the detail that went into her headdress and the extra glitter that they worked into her hair. We were going to say that it would have been nice if they added a little more color to the headdress, but a quick check at her comic book version shows that her headdress has no such additional color. She's simply gorgeous:

Marvel Legends Female Loki - A-Force SDCC setMarvel Legends Female Loki - A-Force SDCC setMarvel Legends Female Loki - A-Force SDCC set
Marvel Legends Female Loki - A-Force SDCC set
I am the Monster!
We forgive the excess flash under her chin in favor of the steady hands that went into ensuring that her irises and pupils are balanced - note the shading:
Marvel Legends Female Loki - A-Force SDCC set
Where is my disadvantage?
SECOND: Articulation. Whoever designed the Marvel Legends Female Loki built her for poseability - in the same way that both Satana and Rogue are quite poseable. This is probably why Loki's cape is designed to just drop off - If the furry potion of her cape was molded into her shoulders we'd be crying to the high heavens right now.

Marvel Legends Female Loki - A-Force SDCC set
A horrendous mixture of vanity and pride
The bad news is of course, you have to work around it. Happily her tabbard is just a loose fitting belt so it also doesn't hamper any movement.

Marvel Legends Female Loki - A-Force SDCC set
The Fates do have their little surprises do they not?
Marvel Legends Female Loki - A-Force SDCC setMarvel Legends Female Loki - A-Force SDCC set
Marvel Legends Female Loki - A-Force SDCC set
You must be truly desperate to come to me for help.
As with Satana, Loki's gesticulation is excellent thanks to those expressive spell-casting hands. 

Marvel Legends Female Loki - A-Force SDCC set
I'm the goddess of stories now. The Moon Queen. The Magic theatre
Marvel Legends Female Loki - A-Force SDCC setMarvel Legends Female Loki - A-Force SDCC set
Marvel Legends Female Loki - A-Force SDCC setMarvel Legends Female Loki - A-Force SDCC set
Marvel Legends Female Loki - A-Force SDCC set
"I am Loki of Asgard, and I am burdened with Glorious Purpose!"
And yes, she can kneel - with or without the cape - though we cheated the kneeling with the cape part.

Marvel Legends Female Loki - A-Force SDCC setMarvel Legends Female Loki - A-Force SDCC set
Marvel Legends Female Loki - A-Force SDCC set
I'm me. First, last and always
And then let's throw in a stand for fun:

Marvel Legends Female Loki - A-Force SDCC setMarvel Legends Female Loki - A-Force SDCC setMarvel Legends Female Loki - A-Force SDCC set
Marvel Legends Female Loki - A-Force SDCC setMarvel Legends Female Loki - A-Force SDCC set

Marvel Legends Female Loki - A-Force SDCC set
I'm not overly fond of what follows

FIRST: Well we already mentioned most of what we didn't like - most of which are nitpicks so we can forget most of those. But the biggest boon/bane will always be that cape. We love it and hate it at the same time.

SECOND The babe's got really big hands. When you look at Satana, she suffers the same problem, but because Satana is in all black, and Loki's hands are flesh, the size difference is more pronounced with Loki.

THIRD: She would really kick-ass with a staff.

The Marvel Legends 2017 SDCC  A-Force Heroines set which includes Loki is available on Amazon for US$ 159.95 (Roughly PhP 8,317 plus shipping). Not sure if the whole set is worth it, but it definitely has a few gems.

Marvel Legends Female Loki - A-Force SDCC set
"I only ever wanted to be your equal"
It would have been most interesting if this is how Thor: Ragnarok ended:

SDCC Exclusives Jane Foster Thor, Enchantress and Loki
In the end it will be every man for himself

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