Saturday, March 12, 2011

Wreck-Gar: Transformers Reveal the Shield

Presenting Wreck-Gar Deluxe Class from the Transformers Reveal the Shield line! Wreck-Gar is without a doubt one of the best Transformers in my collection - and I hope that you will see why soon enough. Though I have to admit I originally never liked Wreck-Gar, mostly because when the Transformers: The Movie was released in 1986, Wreck-Gar beat the crap out of Springer - who till today is actually my favorite Transformer - and because I found Wreck-Gar's (and the Junkion's) ability to self-repair almost immediately a form of cheating. But Wreck-Gar distinct TV lingo, charm and lines with Kup (Who can forget Bah-weep-Graaaaagnah wheep ni ni bong?) earns Wreck-Gar a permanent place in Transformer lore. 

Bah-weep-Graaaaagnah wheep ni ni bong?

This incarnation of Wreck-Gar tries to remain true to Wreck-Gar's form from the cartoon. While there are obvious differences (His right leg, and rear-tire being the biggest), the tribute to the original is there - especially Wreck-Gar's trademark smirk and goatee. Liberties were of course taken such as giving Wreck-Gar a larger axe, the gold & blue flame stripping on his chest and fuel tank. There's an attempt to transform Wreck-Gar's front-tire into a shield - just like it is in the cartoon, but Wreck-Gar loses the spikes that accompany it in the cartoon. Wreck-Gar is also much slimmer than he appears in the cartoon. Wreck-Gar's original quote was "Collect and save, Collect and save", but this incarnation of Wreck-Gar bears no such motto.

Wreck-Gar retails locally for PhP 699.75 but Wreck-Gar is quickly becoming rare so grab one while you can if you want - I have my theory why he's becoming rare, and will touch on that later. 

Wreck-Gar starts out in motorcycle mode - which looks like a custom Dirt-bike married to a Harley Davidson chopper (Which is in keeping with Wreck Gar being made out of junk ergo the customized look). Both tires are free-rolling, the suspension is for show only, the front fork does not turn and the bike stands via a kick-stand that strangely fold forwards not backwards. Note the flame colors of Wreck-Gar's fuel tank - blue versus the flame colors on Wreck-Gar's chest which are a metallic gold. 

Yes, friends, act now! Destroy Unicron!
Kill the Grand Poobah! Eliminate even the toughest stains!
Wreck-Gar's packaging says that Wreck-Gar is obsessed with Earth Television. "He communicates almost exclusively in quotes from commercials and late-night movies. And the grin on his face never fades, even in the heat of battle. Most Autobots have no idea what he's talking about most of the time."

As you can see from the figure, Wreck-Gar is just as finely articulated as the G2 Optimus Prime in the sense that Wreck-Gar can hold his weapon with both hands. Wreck-gar's range of articulation is actually quite good. and you will find Wreck-Gar's pose-ability a treat. Despite the size of Wreck-Gar's shield/wheels, they rarely get in the way, and even if it did, you can easily re-position Wreck-Gar's arm shield.

Wreck Gar's articulation is so good, he can actually stand on one leg. When not in use, Wreck-Gar's battle-axe snaps neatly onto his back as shown.

Now why do I think Wreck-Gar is becoming rare? Simple: he's also a troop builder. If you want to see what I can do with TWO Wreck-Gar's, click here.

1 comment:

  1. I never thought I'd like another Wreck-Gar figure as much as Animated Wreck-Gar, but here we are.


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