Saturday, May 11, 2013

Transformers Generations Optimus Prime & Roller - Transformers 30th Anniversary

Presenting the Transformers 30th Anniversary Generations Optimus Prime & Roller.

Now if you have this little Legends Class figure or if you've seen this figure in other forums or anywhere else on the web, you'll find a figure that has the shoulder pauldrons locked down flat on Prime's shoulders. And if you read the transformation instructions, you will not find instructions telling you to raise the shoulder pauldrons.

Here's the thing though, when they're down, they hamper Optimus Prime's arm articulation. Further, what was the point of adding a joint there if it was not going to be used?

So I raised them. You can keep them down if you like, but you won't get as much movement out of him. And if you look at the back of his blister card, the pauldrons are slightly raised.

The Transformers 30th Anniversary Generations Optimus Prime & Roller's blister card reads: "Autobot Roller has been the constant companion of Optimus prime for all the countless years of the war. Silently, patiently, he has stood by the Autobot commander, supporting him as a leader, and serving him as a warrior. For all intents and purposes, Autobot Roller is a part of Optimus Prime and just as great a hero."

For some strange reason, they don't talk much about Prime, just his little buddy. But then I suppose we've heard enough about Optimus Prime through the years so it's just about fitting that they talk about his little friend.

I wonder where his trailer is.

The blister pack goes on to list their statistics as follows:

  • Strength = Prime 10 versus Roller's 4 - Big difference
  • Intelligence = Prime 8 versus Roller's 6
  • Speed = Prime 7 versus Roller's 6 - I actually expected that Roller would have been faster
  • Endurance = Prime 10 versus Roller's 6
  • Rank = Prime 10 versus Roller's 2
  • Courage = Prime 10 versus Roller's 10 - He may be small, but he's got a lot of heart!
  • Fireblast = Prime 9 versus Roller's 8 - interestingly strong
  • Skill = Prime 8 versus Roller's 4. 

What's to like about the Transformers 30th Anniversary Generations Optimus Prime & Roller?

Well I have to say that it's a very original and interesting upgraded look for Optimus Prime and I am looking forward to see if they will release a larger version of him.

I'm particularly fond of those articulating chest plates that reveal the Autobot sigil underneath - hopefully a future larger version will allow the chest to open further and the sigil to be raised to reveal the Autobot Matrix of Leadership.

We should also take note of the more Japanese Anime sharp edged head that this new Optimus Prime sports.

Both Optimus Prime and Roller transform into solid vehicles. I'm particularly fond of the jet powered ATV that Roller now transforms into. Optimus Prime's Ion cannon can be mounted on either Roller or Optimus Prime.

The 30th Anniversary Generations Optimus Prime's articulation is.... well acceptable whether or not you lift the pauldrons. It's not as articulated as the Beast Hunters Legends Class Optimus Prime that we just reviewed a month back.

Roller is even more disappointing. But then he's a mini-con technically. I suppose that it's too much to wish that he was like the Transformers Battle Rollar TFC EX-002 Prime Scout.
The TFC-EX-002 Prime Scout
Roller may not look as cool as Rollar the Prime Scout, but he does combine with Optimus Prime's Ion cannon to form a larger weapon:

What's NOT to like about the Transformers 30th Anniversary Generations Optimus Prime & Roller?

Aside from the fact that he's ag puny Legends class and I'm itching and hoping that they release a larger version of Optimus Prime, and; the seeming lack of clear cut instructions with what to do with the shoulder pauldrons, the biggest problems of the Transformers 30th Anniversary Generations Optimus Prime and Roller are: 

a) the lack of articulation in his leg area. Unlike the recently reviewed Beast Hunters Optimus Prime, the Generations Optimus Prime cannot kneel - which is sad. His feet are fixed in place so don't expect anything from that. 

b) Optimus Prime looks quite empty from behind. There's an empty spot where his head used to be. But if you want a more classic look, you can actually spin the "front lower half" of his torso around for a more classic Optimus Prime look. 

c) When you transform and combine Roller with Prime's Ion Cannon, he has difficulty supporting the additional weight and he becomes top heavy. 

And I really wish he had a trailer. This particular Transformers 30th Anniversary Generations Optimus Prime & Roller was purchased from Toys R' Us here in Galleria for PhP 699.75 (Roughly US$ 17). He's available on Amazon for US$ 11.95 (Roughly PhP 489.95 plus shipping).


  1. Thanks for sharing. I didn't know he had been released yet. Have to keep my eyes open next time I'm out shopping.

  2. I'm looking forward to getting my Legends class Prime. Since he's near CV commander size, he'll be able to hangout with ALL the cyberverse and other small sized transformers while Bumblebee can go be with the scout sized cars and things that scale to them.

    Then when that Starscream w/Waspinator and Megatron w/Chopshop come out next... all out war will commence.

  3. I'm not so sure if his distribution is really high. I haven't seen tons of him in the racks and he keeps getting buried by all the Beast Hunters. Happy Hunting!!!! :)
