Tuesday, January 28, 2014

STAR WARS Zam Wesell Vintage Edition

Presenting bounty-hunter Zam Wesell fromt he Star Wars Vintage Edition series.

Now for the uninitiated, Zam Wesell is a Clawdite - a member of a reptilian shape-shifting race capable of mimicking human appearance.

Because of this, despite the fact Zam Wesell is depicted as a female.... I'm not really sure she is. Jango Fett certainly didn't treat her as a female and even Zam is credited - when faced in a compromising situation with Jango - that she is "sometimes a lady."

So since he/she/it's gender is never defined, we will be looking at Zam Wesell as a woman.

Zam Wesell had a very short role in Star Wars Episode II. She was the bounty hunter who was killed with a poison dart by Jango Fett before she could reveal to Obi-Wan Kenobi the identity of the people who wanted to have Senator Padme Amidala killed.

Sadly I cannot find the shots of the blister cards that I took as she's been waiting for some time, however we do have some stills on the internet that both "wow" and then "shock" fans of Zam Wesell with the strangeness of her sexuality:

What's to like about the STAR WARS Vintage Edition Zam Wesell?

The detailing! The detailing on that went into this minor character is simply amazing!

Look at that gunbelt! It looks like she has an arsenal of gadgets and devices hidden within. I'm not really sure what the rebreather is for, but there's probably a reason for it.

Turn her around and you're greeted by a wonderful scale-mail skirt. It's so detailed you're almost afraid that a single scale may fall out and you'd lose it forever.

Hell check out Zam Wesell's steel toed boots! That kind of detailing just doesn't go into every Star Wars character.

The vintage edition Star Wars Zam Wesell also comes with everything you see here:

  • A removable helmet
  • A KiSteer 1284 Projectile rifle
  • A pair of Electro Goggles that attach to her helmet and can be folded up or brought down over her eyes - Zam Wesell doesn't aim by staring down the barrel of her rifle, her optics will do that for her. Zam Wesell's electro goggles allow for magnification and rangefinding when targeting and allowed her to connect with the ASN-121 Assassin droid that she used in Star Wars Episiode II. 
  • A removable veil
  • A removable veil "down"
  • An extra head to reveal Zam Wesell in her Clawdite form.
  • A KYD-21 Blaster that can be holstered. Zam Wesell's blaster was modified to allow rapid fire. 

The result is a wonderful character to pose and use:

Zam Wesell can even draw her KYD-21 blaster.

What's NOT to like about the STAR WARS Vintage Edition Zam Wesell?

The Star Wars Vintage Edition Sam Wesell can BARELY move. What you see above is probably the full extent of her articulation - though it's nice that she can draw her pistol - but since's it's forward of her right hip, it's not really that big of an achievement.

No Zam Wesell cannot kneel.

No Zam Wesell cannot really look down the barrel of her KiSteer 1284 Projectile rifle

It would really have been great if an assasin/bounty hunter like her could have done either or both.

I'm also not really fond of Zam Wesell's face - either of them. There's something scrunched up about her human face - thanks to the helmet I suppose. And it looks really weird that she shapeshifts back to her Clawdite form, but her neck remains flesh in color.

She is however a REALLY Big improvement over the Zam Wesell that was released along with the Episode II movie.

This particular Zam Wesell was purchased at retail, but I can't remember how much I paid for her locally. She is available on Amazon for US$ 6.99 (Roughly PhP 314.55 plus shipping). She's quite cheap now, but for the amount of detailing that went into the creation of this minor character? She's worth much more to me.


  1. Love this figure. It's just so well done. Didn't have as much of a problem with the face as you did, but I will admit I'd have loved a Clone Wars sculpt far more.

  2. Yep! Definitely one of the best figures from the Vintage series :)
