Monday, May 26, 2014

AOE Dinobot Slag - Slug

Presenting the Transformers Age Of Extinction (AOE's) Slag - or as they put it, Slug.

Apparently Hasbro found out that one of the most common expletives in the Transformers Universe was the word "Slag!" If you visit the wiki page you can find this jewel of a curse: "Slaggit! The slaggin' slag-faced motha-slaggin' slagger slagged the slaggers!" So to avoid parental sensitivity issues, sometime back in 2011 when the Dinobots (Grimlock, Swoop and Slag) had to be released as a part of the Transformers Animated Series Cartoon and Toy Line, a lot of people missed that Slag had been renamed Snarl - which was a slap to the face of all us Snarl lovers (Snarl has yet to be avenged).

Also "Slag" in most parts of Europe means... well... "bitch." So naturally Hasbro could not market Slag in Europe and had to change the AOE Transformer's name to Slug - which some have pointed out refers instead to the solid part of a bullet instead of a slow shell-less terrestrial gastropod mollusc that can be tortured to death with copious amounts of salt. But seriously? The first thing that comes to your mind when the word "Slug" is mentioned is a bullet? Where did you grow up in? Bosnia? Afghanistan? Somalia?

So honestly? Marketing problem yes. Correct solution? Er..... We don't think so.

The Trasnformers Dinobot Slag - Slug's blister card reads "This fiery warrior hates taking orders, unless it means he gets to destroy something. He'll level anything in his path with a fit of white-hot dino rage." We do indeed remember fondly this fire-breathing Triceratops from the cartoons. He was one of the Dinobots that had a real temper issue in the comic books.

In fact Slag's wiki reads "Slag is the Dinobot most likely to live up to the team's bad reputation. Slag is surly, mean-spirited, nasty, and disturbingly violent, to the point where it really is a wonder he's not a Decepticon. Slag will fight anyone, over anything, at the drop of a microchip, and fight dirty. Slag enjoys nothing more than reducing his enemies (and he's more than willing to include annoying Autobots on that list) to pools of molten metal with his fire-breath. He'd swim in the pools to celebrate if he could.

None of the Dinobots really like Optimus Prime, but he and Sludge share an especially intense dislike of him. But it's not just Prime's orders he questions. He'll even mouth off at Grimlock every now and then, but somehow does not end up as scrap or lunch. Slag's bad attitude means the rest of the Autobot forces are unlikely to come to his aid when he bites off more than he can chew."

What's to like about the TF Age of Extinction Dinobot Slag - Slug?

Well first off would be the consistency. Remember in our review of the AD01 Takara Optimus Prime about how if Takara was looking to design a medieval Knight-Lord out on a mission to slay Dragons (Dinosaurs), that his design was spot on?

Well here's the creepy barbarian warrior who will either join him or tear him a new one.

Check out those huge blocky forearm guards, the organic bone looking chest plate, the wicked split short-swords, and the fiery horned headdress coming from his shoulder. Definitely spells barbarian.

Tough, fierce, unrelenting, much like what Dinobot Slag - Slug - transforms into, a Triceratops:

Technically Dinobot Slag - Slug - has five horns, not three (How does he eat with those two extra horns? No wonder his kind went extinct). AOE Slag - Slug's - jaw can be opened or closed in this form:

We love the anger permeating out of Transformers Age of Extinction Dinobot Slag's - Slug's - eyes.

And if you are a Zoid's fan, attach his split short-blades to his sides:

Articulation is acceptable for a Deluxe sized Tansformer, but a lot of it is lost thanks to the bulkiness of Slag's appendages and his shoulder-pads:

Yep. Slag - Slug - can kneel.

If you want to get creative, you can actually give the AOE Dinobot Slag - Slug - an extra pair of hands:

Shame the extra pair can't hold anything.

What's NOT to like about the TF Age of Extinction Dinobot Slag - Slug?

Well transforming the Transformers Age of Extinction Dinobot Slag  - Slug - while simple, proved to be a bit of a challenge because getting some of the tabs into place is a bit difficult - especially in Triceratops mode where his tail meets his hindquarters - and those two extra arms that form his chest.

Also Slag's head. It looks like a knight's helm. It just doesn't go with the rest of his gettup. It looks like the designers got bored and threw something simple on him.

Also, why are the manufacturer's notes right behind his head? We know he's made in China. We know who made him. It's kinda hard to miss when it's right behind his head.

This particular Transformers Age of Extinction (AOE) Dinobot Slag - Slug - was purchased from Toy Kingdom Megamall here in Manila, Philippines for PhP 899.75 (Roughly US$ 20). He is available on Amazon for US$ 26.00 (Roughly PhP 1,170 plus shipping).

We still prefer Slag :) 

1 comment:

  1. Dare I say that this is not G1 Slag though...?

    With regards to Slug's head unit, I think it's based on a medieval helmet called a "frog-mouth helm" or "Stechhelm", which I think is quite cool...


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