Thursday, August 16, 2018

Star Wars Black Series Jaina Solo Action Figure Review

"You know what? Being the Sword of the Jedi really stinks."
You can choose to find and purchase Jedi Master Jaina Solo-Fel: daughter of General Han Solo and Jedi Knight Leia Organa Solo; Niece of Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker; Twin-sister to Darth Caedus;  Former commander of Rogue Squadron; Former commander of the Twin Suns Squadron; Hero of the Yuuzhan War; Avatar of the Trickster Goddess Yun-Harla - Goddess of Deception; Sword of the Jedi or; you can go look for Rey, daughter of nobody.

While we do not hate the direction that Disney took with Star Wars, we do regret that they did not pursue the rich now non-canon history which began with Timothy Zahn's Heir to the Empire in 1991, especially since it relegated such a strong female character into virtual non-existence.

So we were surprised that Disney acquiesced to creating a 6" Black Series version of her just because she won a fan's survey.

Disney could have easily lied.

When Jaina Solo was knighted, the Force compelled Grand Master Luke Skywalker to say: "I name you the Sword of the Jedi. You are like tempered steel, purposeful and razor-keen. Always you shall be in the front rank, a burning brand to your enemies, a brilliant fire to your friends. Yours is a restless life, and never shall you know peace, though you shall be blessed for the peace that you bring to others. Take comfort in the fact that, though you stand tall and alone, others take shelter in the shadow that you cast."

The Star Wars Black Series Jaina Solo Action Figure's blister card reads: "Daughter of Leia Organa and Han Solo, Janina Solo is a Jedi Student of Luke Skywalker. Like her father, she is also a crack pilot and skilled mechanic. Like her mother, she is a born leader."

Given our opening description, that's a bit of an oversimplification. Also while Luke may have been the head of the Jedi Academy - and so technically trained Jaina, she was Padawan to Mara-Jade Skywalker, not to Luke, and to Kyp Durron for a while as well. As mentioned, she did lead the infamous Rogue Squadron with her brother, Hardpoint Squadron, and; during the Yuuzhan War, Luke relinquished command of his personal squadron - the Twin Suns - to Jaina, as part of a psychological warfare strategy against the Yuuzhan Vong when Jaina was revered by the Vong as the avatar of their Trickster goddess.

Do check out our 3.75" Jaina and Jacen Solo review here:

This is definitely the older version of Jaina Solo given her more mature features and the fact that she's dressed as a pilot versus being dressed as a young Jedi: The newer Black Series Jaina Solo comes with a purple hued light-saber, a black jumpsuit, what looks like a modified or the latest version (It is an old weapon after all) of the DL-44 Heavy Blaster pistol that is the weapon of choice of her father, and; removable pilot gear.

3,75"Jaina SoloStar Wars Black Series Jaina Solo Action Figure Accessories Star Wars Black Series Jaina Solo Action Figure FrontStar Wars Black Series Jaina Solo Action Figure Back

Star Wars Black Series Jaina Solo Action Figure Review
"Life isn’t what I do anymore.
What I do is death. I kill, and I try not to get killed myself.
Anything else is a luxury."

FIRST: Her facial sculpt. There have been those who have described Han Solo as having this really annoying sly grin, Jaina has that same grin. This is almost literally the female version of Han Solo, but with a lightsaber.

It is a very, very welcome development given that Black Series figures - like Marvel figures - have tended to be quite deadpan.

Some might find it a bit... masculine, but we like it.

Star Wars Black Series Jaina Solo FaceStar Wars Black Series Jaina Solo Face
Star Wars Black Series Jaina Solo FaceStar Wars Black Series Jaina Solo Face

SECOND: Jacen Solo can be displayed as a pilot or as a Jedi. All the pilot gear - not just her helmet - can be added or removed depending upon your personal preference and her articulation is, naturally, excellent.

Here she is as "Sticks" - her call-sign born from the fact that she flew with a joystick and had an extra "stick" her lightsaber:

Star Wars Black Series Jaina Solo Action Figure Review
Star Wars Black Series Jaina Solo Action Figure Review

Did you see the detailing in her holster? Love it!

Yes, Jaina "Sticks" Solo can kneel and dual wield not just her lightsaber, but her DL-44 as well:

Here is the woman who took down Yuuzhan Vong Warmaster Tsavong Lah.without her pilot garb:

 Star Wars Black Series Jaina Solo Action Figure Review
Star Wars Black Series Jaina Solo Action Figure Review
Star Wars Black Series Jaina Solo Action Figure Review
"...though you stand tall and alone, others take shelter in the shadow that you cast.

FIRST: If you cannot embrace the idea of a gender-bent Han Solo mixed with Luke Skywalker, then this figure is not for you.

Other than that? Nothing.

What's truly sad though about this figure is that Disney has yet to release Dath Caedus - her brother Jacen. If you release a Jaina, you should release a Jacen. No Jacen. A Jacen Solo as a hero, and a Jacen Solo as a Sith Lord would be awesome.

Following that train of thought, it's also, again, such a waste that the universe where Jaina Solo exists is gone.


The Star Wars Black Series Jaina Solo Action Figure is available on Amazon for US$ 23.03 (Roughly PhP 1,243 plus shipping)

Worth it, but sad.

Star Wars Black Series Jaina Solo Action Figure Review
Yours is a restless life, and never shall you know peace,
though you shall be blessed for the peace that you bring to others. 

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