Wednesday, April 23, 2014

STAR WARS Collectors Series Star Destroyer

Presenting a very rare STAR WARS Collectors Series Star Destroyer!

One of the staple symbol of fear, oppression and control of the Galactic Empire, the Star Destroyer!

Specifically, this is a Kuat Drive Yards Imperial II - class Star Destoyer. You can tell the difference between an Imperial Star Destroyer and an ImpStar Deuce - the most prominent of which is the replacement of the tractor beam targeting system between the sensor globes up on the command tower with a communications array.

This is the even more heavily armed, heavily armored and heavily shielded version of a ship that was designed to destroy whole star-systems.

Carnor Jax Sith Apprentice to the Dark Lady Lumiya had this to say about a Star Destroyer: "Have you ever seen what a Star Destroyer can do to the surface of an unshielded planet? Stones run like water and sand turns to glass."


The Impstar Duece is armed by 37, 085 personnel, and 9,700 passengers, who, thanks to the 36,000 tons of cargo space allows the 1.6 Kilometer Imperial Star Destroyer II powered by a SFS I-a2b solar ionization reactor to operate in deep-space continuously for as long as six-years. Thrust comes from three KDY Destroyer-I ion engines backed by four Cygnus Spaceworks Gemon Capital Class ion-engines. The minimum amount of people required to crew her is 5,000. The Impstar Deuce is armed with:

  • 8 Octuple barbette Turbolasers or Ion Cannons - it should be noted that these are the Imperial Star Destroyer's strongest weapons. While the design of the Star Destroyer was made so that a maximum of firepower can be aligned forward, these 8, mounted on both rear sides of the Impstar Deuce, can fire to protect the back of the ship;
  • 50 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries
  • 28 to 30 Additional Turbolaser batteries
  • 20 Heavy Ion Cannons
  • 10 Phylon Q7 Tractor Beam projectors
Complementing this impressive amount of firepower are:
  • A full wing, or 72, TIE series starfighters
  • 8 Lambda Class shuttles
  • 15 Delta Class- Stormtrooper transports
  • 5 Assault Gunboats
  • A variable number of GAT-12 Skipray Blastboats
  • 1 Gamma-Class Assault shuttle
Given all that, we're not really sure where some people get the idea that a Star Destroyer is vulnerable from behind. 

A Imperial Star Destoyer II also comes with:
  • \An assortment of repair and recovery vehicles
  • AT-AT Barges
  • 20 AT-AT Walkers
  • 30 AT-ST Walkers
  • Various ground vehicles
  • Various Prefabricated Garrison bases. 
What's to like about the STAR WARS Collectors Series Star Destroyer?

The grand detailing! It's truly a wonder to behold and you can't help but to hum the Imperial March. 

You can clearly see the Solar Ionization Reactor dome at the bottome of the Imperial Star Destroyer II; The main hanger bay forward of it. The eight Octuple barbette Turbolasers, four on the starboard side, and four on the port side near the end of the ship

The only thing missing is the waste dump at the read of the main command tower right above the main Ion Engine. 

The Star Wars Collectors Series Star Destroyer comes with a black mounting stand that bears the Imperial crest. The Impstar Deuce has lights and sounds and is powered by three AA batteries nestled inside the ship where the main hanger bay is. When any of the four buttons found forward of the flight control area of the Star Destroyer (towards the nose) are pressed, the ships engines light up, sound effects go off (Normal Cruise, General Quarters, Hyperspace Jump and Turbolasers firing), and do you see those tiny little dots around the ship? A light goes on within the ship so it appears that the Star Destoyer's portholes are lit. 

What's NOT to like about the STAR WARS Collectors Series Star Destroyer?

The electronics are old by today's standards. The STAR WARS Collectors Series Star Destroyer was created in 1996 making this toy as of this writing, a whopping 18 years old. The fact that the electronics still work is fine testament to this collectible's previous owner and the general craftsmanship of Kenner. But they are lightyears away from what modern sounds and electronics can do. You can upgrade the lights we suppose.

Other than that, nothing. We wouldn't even mind grabbing another one, or two.... or three.

Here's the Dark Lord Dungeon's official contribution to the never-ending debate as to who would win? A Star Destroyer or The Enterprise.

Since Kirk thinks with little Kirk, chances are they'd be dead, no contest. But in all seriousness, it's really a problem of a difference in physics. If the physics were equalized, movement still goes to the Enterprise, but a slugging match? No contest, the Star Destroyer wins.

This particular STAR WARS Collector Series Star Destroyer was picked from the collection of another collector for PhP 1,000 (Roughly US$ 22.22). It is available on Amazon for US$ 132.51 (PhP 5, 692 plus shipping).

Loving it more already.

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