Merry Christmas to one and all from the R2-D2 Bar, Darklord Dungeon, and the Del Callar Family. Click on the image for a larger view.
I have to admit that I am not a real fan of Christmas. I'm one of those that are of the belief that if not everyone can be happy or celebrate Christmas, then that just adds to the over-all depression of the season - no wonder so many people kill themselves during this time (It doesn't help that for some strange reason all that they show on TV is the pending 2012 destruction of the world, and dead celebrities)
But Christmas is undoubtedly the time of Children - young and old. So whereever you are, whoever you are, may the peace of God, Allah, or Whoever particular Deity you chose to believe in, keep your family safe and happy this Christmas.
And Happy Birthday Jesus!
And who am I kidding! Click on "More" for my Christmas haul :D