It actually did take me a while to get this particular Transformer that's been out in the market for quite a while now - I think two years. While I admired the design and heard great things about it, I was a) Not a Bumblebee collector, and; b) Severely turned off by the price - it was being sold locally for something like PhP 3,200 (Roughly US$ 73), which was waaaay too pricy for another Bumblebee - especially since it included a Sam Witwicky figure.
I hate Sam Witwicky. All he does in the movie is run around, screaming like a little girl and yell out "Optimus!!!" everytime Optimus Prime makes an appearance - like his herald - despite the fact that everyone can already see the big lug barreling down the road - or soaring across the sky.
But when the price dropped.... BAM!!!!