Monday, July 15, 2019

Avengers Endgame Worthy Captain America Action Figure

Avengers Endgame Worthy Captain America Action Figure
I am worthy! 
Captain America finally showing that he was worthy enough to pick up Mjolnir in Avengers Endgame is MORE than enough reason to pick up this action figure.

The Russo brothers have speculated that Captain America has always been able to lift Mjolnir - except he wasn't able to do so in Avengers: Age of Ultron. They've gone on to speculate that he just didn't want to make Thor feel bad.

We don't really buy that. There's no real official cannon as to why Steve Rogers failed to lift Mjolnir in AOA. Personally we believe that Thor - having some mental control over Mjolnir, chose to force Mjolnir not to move when he saw Steve budge it. Of course this doesn't align with Odinson crying out "I knew it!"when he saw Cap wielding Mjolnir in Endgame.

So perhaps the Russos are right.


The Avengers Endgame Worthy Captain America's blister card reads: "Steve Rogers prepares for the ultimate battle to save the universe and channels all of his strength as Captain America."

Captain America has wielded Mjolnir several times in the comic books but personally we feel he's never used the full potential of the hammer. Odin "Cursed" the hammer stating "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor." But we've never seen Captain America perform Thor-level feats of strength while wielding the hammer, or fly, or control the weather - other than calling down lighting. It would have been interesting to see Captain America fully realizing what he can do with that hammer.

This particular Captain America comes with Mjolnir, a dinged up... well... paint scratched... shield, and; an alternate head.

Avengers Endgame Worthy Captain America Action Figure
Captain Steven Rogers


FIRST: At first we thought that he was just a repaint of the Marvel Legends Captain America Civil War Action Figure

Check out the Civil War Captain America here. 

Technically, Cap is still wearing the uniform that he wore in Civil War, but this isn't quite the case. The most noticeable difference between the two uniforms would be the addition of actual shoulder pauldrons - versus the vestigial ones that we see in Civil War.

Yeah so what? Is he a rebuild of the Infinity War Cap then which already bears the pauldrons?

Again no, because Infinity War Cap has folded sleeves.

Avengers Endgame Worthy Captain America Action Figure
Captain Americas

So what is he? He's a more detailed version of both. The best features of the Civil War Cap and the Infinity Wars Captain America can be found in this figure.

And they bothered to tag him as an Avenger this time via an embossed logo on the scale mail on his shoulder pauldrons.

To further prove the point that this is a new build, you can swap heads between Civil War Cap and Infinity War Cap, but you cant swap heads with Endgame Cap. The peg is simply too big.

SECOND Speaking of heads. This is a pretty good tribute to Chris Evans. A definite improvement over the Infinity War Cap.

THIRD: Mjolnir! Do we need a better reason? (Oh and the a lightning effect borrowed from Magik

Check out the X-Man Demon Sorceress Magik here: 

The Worthy Captain America is simply a joy to pose:

Avengers Endgame Worthy Captain America Action Figure
Avengers Endgame Worthy Captain America Action Figure

Of course he looks waaay better with the lightning effect attached:

Avengers Endgame Worthy Captain America Action Figure
Avengers Endgame Worthy Captain America Action FigureAvengers Endgame Worthy Captain America Action FigureAvengers Endgame Worthy Captain America Action Figure

Avengers Endgame Worthy Captain America Action Figure
Hey! That is America's ass!

FIRSTJust one thing - other than the fact that you can't interchange his head with previous Captain Americas - his shield is all scuffed up. Why? His uniform is in pristine condition. By the time Cap took Mjolnir in Endgame he was already beaten up and dirty. So his uniform should be as scuffed and beaten as his shield.

Solution: Switch shields.

The Avengers Endgame Worthy Captain America Action figure is definitely a worthy cap to the end of an epic era in Marvel Cinema.

Avengers Endgame Worthy Captain America Action Figure
Captain America: Retired

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