Monday, February 7, 2011

R2-D2 Bar

A few weeks back while waiting for my wife, Rochelle, I chanced upon the R2-D2 Serving Droid collectible in Toy Kingdom in the Podium. I just had to have it because it was one of the most original R2-D2s I've ever seen. Not only did it come with a pop-up sensor scope, it also came with a pop-up lightsaber for Luke Skywalker - just as was seen in Return of the Jedi. Further this particular incarnation of R2-D2 unit came with the serving tray and drink dispenser that Jabba the Hutt and Company had R2 don after Luke Skywalker "gifted" the droids to the crime lord's service. Not only did I think that it was a hilarious representation of the most popular Droid ever, it was creative and perfect for anyone who was building a Jabba the Hutt Throne-room collection - which I kinda am. 
But then I started thinking: "What if R2-D2 actually ran a bar?" And the wheels in my head started turning.

The R2-D2 Serving Droid unit appears like a normal R2-D2 unit. The first difference is how his sensor-scope pops up. Previous incarnations just had that particular portion raised and locked into place. This incarnation requires you to push up his center leg - which, by the way has doesn't lock easily into place raised or lowered (In fact I don't think there's a lock. Wedge it if you can). 

The treat comes when you mount the drink dispenser on him which fits seven shot-glasses - all removable as seen below. The seven fit snuggly onto pegs on the tray and the drink dispenser swings 360 degrees by inserting into a hole on the top of R2-D2's dome. The downside is that he can't seem to "roll" while the tray is mounted because you can't lean his legs back without distorting the tray mounts. 

Now if you all remember your Return of the Jedi, the chaos starts with Luke Skywalker calling out Jabba the Hutt and a fight breaking out after R2-D2 launches Luke's Lightsaber from the compartment that mounts R2's sensor scope. You can hide Luke's lightsaber in R2. Simply turn his dome and a panel slides over it - depressed, but it sill hides it. The chaos continues as R2 saves C3PO from the tender ministrations of Salacious Crumb, and cutting the chain binding Princess Leia to Jabba the Hutt by popping his arc welder from his chest. This R2 can do that too.

The R2-D2 Serving Droid retails on the market - though I do believe he's on the rare list - for P449.75. I got him on sale, 10% off. 

From here on, forgive me, but I couldn't help it. Here's what I believe some of the Star Wars characters would actually discuss with their feisty bartender.
Believe it or not, there is a Han Solo on a Torture Rack figure 

A fine prequel to Closer and Black-Swan
And my personal favorites!!!! :) 

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