I'm not complaining by the way.

It also means that this particular Star Sapphire did not come with a lantern OR - get this - a ring. If you want a Carol Ferris as the Star Sapphire that has a Power Ring, a Star Sapphire base and a Violet Lantern, get the Blackest Night Series version - though this particular variant is prettier and more feminine.

We've talked about DC Direct's Power Girl and how her Bilibongs are the central focus of the figure and that there's no way that you cannot not stare at them. Such is not the case for Carol Ferris as Star Sapphire. Despite showing more flesh than Power Girl, the focal point of this particular figure is not her Shebas, but her eyes which - I have to point out are not painted in a freakish way or out of proportion to the rest of her body.
Might also help that her Tympanies are not as big as Power Girl's.
And I have to say Star Sapphire is really pretty. Almost hypnotic. The expression of her face also seems to change depending upon the angle that you look at her from.

Also her feet are really close together. While she's is surprisingly well balanced and doesn't tip over as much as people may expect, getting her to stand without a base can be challenging.
The Green Lantern Series 3 Star Sapphire is still available on Amazon for between US$19.95 to US$ 30 (Roughly PhP 857 to PhP 1,290 plus shipping). Her Darkest Night version sells between US$ 24.99 and US$ 34.99 (Roughly PhP 1074 and PhP 1,504).
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