Presenting Halo 3's Interchangeable Armor Pack which allows you to customize your Spartan with Rogue, Scout, CQB (Close Quarters Battle), and the infamous Hayabusa Spartan variant armor. I chose to write about the Mjolnir Mark VI Power Armor today, November 4 - which is my birthday by the way - because today is the official anniversary of the Dark Lord Dungeon.

One year ago today ( I started writing this on November 4), I made a commitment to sharing with the world my collection, my toys and my experiences with the rest of the world. A year ago I opened with the G.I. Joe Rolling Operations Command Center (
ROCC) and moved on to talk about the, then, spanking new
HALO Warthog and the
HALO UNSC Special Warfare Command Group Three. Believe it or not, but the highest viewed item on this blog over the past year is
Halo's Noble Team so it was only fitting that I start a new year with Halo.
It was my wife who prodded me to start writing about my toys and In the process of this blog I've had my first exhibit, and met some incredible people whom I can call friends both on-line and in real life AND started two other blogs:
Denis del Callar: Fan Art (NSFW) and
Fairladytower (Which I really should update). What used to be a very selfish hobby has become a crusade to share with the rest of the world just how much joy toy collecting can be. It's also given me back the opportunity to go back and practice what I used to do so easily and so well when I was younger - write.
And for that I thank her.