The set included the ATV, two poorly molded soldiers who looked like stunted Americans with incredibly large barrel chests, another vehicle - a motorcycle - that was a size too big for either soldier - or even a G.I. Joe - three rifles that were too big for the soldiers - or G.I. Joes to use; two jungle survival packs which could be adapated for G.I. Joe use; and... a tree - well technically a pair of Bonsai coconut trees.

So the actual cost of the G.I. Joe Jungle Buggy is roughly maybe just a third of the PhP 250 cost or, rounding up, PhP 84.00 (roughly US$ 2.00).
I originally picked it up thinking that it would be a fine vehicle for the G.I. Joe Pursuit of Cobra Jungle Team, but then I also realized that because it was an ATV, just repaint it and you have a fine Artic vehicle.
What's to like about the G.I. Joe Jungle Buggy?

As you can see the G.I Joe Jungle Buggy also comes with a gracious amount of clearance. You can put an entire Joe underneath. This allows the G.I. Joe Jungle Buggy to traverse more adverse Jungle Conditions including rough undergrowth and water. I'm not sure but I'm willing to bet the G.I. Joe Jungle Buggy can float.
The G.I. Joe Jungle Buggy only fits one, but it fits a Joe quite snugly and has enough room for all of his gear.
It helps to remove the satellite dish before stowing/getting gear from the rear compartment because the spare-tire tends to get into the way.
What's not to like about the G.I. Joe Jungle Buggy?

Another problem is: "I can't tell where the engine is" or how this thing is powered. My guess - and hope - is that this thing is electric and Recondo can actually put that solar generator on his back-pack to good use.
Also, it's a cheap Chinese product - not the high-end plastic and paint that the Chinese also make (I mean look at the cost). Which means that there is a strong chance that this thing is chock full of lead or some other chemical that may be dangerous to your health if you continue to play with it or if you eat it. So don't eat it and keep washing your hands. It'll probably be safer after you paint it.
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