Presenting Bombshock and the Combaticons from the Transformers Powercore Combiners toy series. We first showed Bombshock and his Combaticon drones when we showcased
Grimstone and his Dinobots, but we only used him as a reference comparison between the two Power Core Combiners.

But since we'd already shot, him, why not showcase him?
Grimstone, Bombshock does exist in regular Transformers lore. Originally he was an old, bitter, backstabbing Decepticon Micromaster - literally tiny fuel-efficient Transformers. Although later on in the "
Return of Convoy" Manga he was a childlike, joyous Autobot. He again reverted to being a bitter, old Decepticon with "
Fight till I die" (And he did at the hands of Optimus Prime) in the novels.

Powercore Combiners do not exist in the regular lore of the Transformers so like
Grimstone, Bombshock is a figment of someone's imagination at Hasbro. However, unlike
Grimstone who I saw as a juvenile Autobot out to prove himself, Bombshock is still pretty much the same little Micromaster - which fits because some Micromasters are Combiners (Only Bombshock combines with Drones - who won't backstab him - and not other Micromasters) - especially after you read his blister card.
Though when combined, he looks like a wannabee Bruticus - or his younger brother.