On to the obvious: "Is the Transformers Beast Hunters Starscream a retool?" I'd argue that he isn't. He's a brand new mold inspired from the designs of the original Transformers Prime Starscream.
The sharp, angular "cutter" lines from the original Transformers Prime Starscream are gone, replaced by a more jagged, armored look - reducing Starscream's sleek look and replacing it with a more aggressive and menacing exterior.
Without replacing that oh-so-lovable personality that we've all come to love and hate over the years.

Chapter 8 can be found in Ripclaw's instruction manual and Chapter 6 is in Predaking's.
Interestingly enough, the instruction manual also talks about what his weapon, the "Thunder Talon" can do. Pulling the two flaps at the back of the weapon closes the spring loaded pincers. The instruction panel says:

- Pincer claw can pierce any armor
- Once a target is grabbed, energy siphons activate, making Starscream even faster.
- Also generates a Force Field around Starscream making him much tougher.
Starscream's statistics are put at:
- Strength - 8
- Intelligence - 7
- Speed - 9 - an incredibly fast guy
- Endurance - 6
- Rank - 9 - SOOOOO close Starscream
- Courage - 3
- Fireblast - 9 - interestingly powerful
- Skill - 10 - and interestingly talented.
What's to like about the Transformers Beast Hunters Starscream?

Why? Well personally I always thought that the Transformers Prime Starscream was always a tad bit... Feminine (What with the sleek really thin body and purple color scheme.) It was really kinda hard to take him seriously (Which probably explains why he's number 2).
So I really, really like the new Beast Hunter armor and the new color scheme. Yes he's still purple, but I love the new gray body and yellow racing streaks. I don't even mind the salmon pink highlights. Also he's bulkier. He looks like some scheming sycophant in armor now instead of just a scheming sycophant.
I'm particularly fond of the new, crueler, knee spikes and wing-tips, but what really sold me was that scorpion tail sticking out of his back. It's just soooo Starscream to have a dangerous point that he can use up close and personal.

As you can see, articulation is excellent thanks to the multiple ball joints almost everywhere that allows him to kneel. The only think missing is the ability to swivel his torso at the hip. Still allows him to dance:
There's actually something quite insect-like about this version of Starscream. Gotta love that. You can actually pop his missiles off and attach them to his forearm, but why bother? I like them where they are.
Starscream still transforms into an F-16 Fighting Falcon, though it's now barely recognizable thanks to the Beast Hunter armor. He has a forward landing gear that can be lowered though he tends to be back heavy so if you do put him down, chances are his nose will angle up.

If you fold the landing gear up, you can attach the Thunder Claw to his underside. It actually looks cool:
Now the Thunder Claw actually tends to be quite heavy, but Starscream can be made to wield it:

You can actually mount the Thunder Claw onto Starscream's back, but he will have to lean forward to stay balanced:
The last really great thing about the Transformers Beast Hunters Starscream is that just like the Fall of Cybertron Starscream, he has a third form:
Aside from his inability to twist at the waist, and his being top heavy - especially with the Thunder Claw - Starscream has difficulty standing thanks to the looseness of his feet. I don't know if this is a particular defect or one that plagues all Starscreams.
Also it took me quite a while to figure it out, but I eventually I did. One of the reasons why Starscream is feminine is that his head is almost exactly like the sculpt of Transformers Prime's Arcee - only she can twist at the waist:
They even have the same smile.
This particular Transformers Beast Hunters Starscream was purchased from Toy Kingdom for PhP 799.75 (Roughly US$ 19.50). He's available on Amazon for US$ 22.92 (Roughly PhP 939.72 plus shipping).
I still think he looks cool.
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