With the Lego version of thief, all-around scalawag and Jedi Padawan Ezra Bridger at the helm.
To the uninitiated the Phantom is a Corellian Engineering Corporation Attack Shuttle that docks with the Ghost - while docked, it serves as the tail-gun of the Ghost keeping in line with the B-17 design of the Ghost.
It comes armed to the teeth and actually packs a punch - though it trades off defensive power for its firepower.
The Phantom comes armed with a of Taim & Bak MS-2B twin laser cannon up front and a Taim & Bak KX4 dorsal laser turret up top.

FIRST: The design. It's fairly accurate in comparison to the Star Wars Rebels TV series version: i.e. one pilot up front, storage/passengers in the back; and a folding ramp out on the back.
Albeit, the Phantom is smaller than it should be and the guns up front are really long and they replaced the top turret with a spring-loaded missile launcher - which actually looks like a turret when the missile is loaded.

FOURTH: The Star Wars Rebels Phantom comes with the Lego versions of Ezra Bridges - and his Imperial cadet helmet - and C1-10P "Chopper".
FIFTH: The Phantom docks with the the Ghost completing it.

There are a few problems that we have with the LEGO Phantom's piggyback ability with the Ghost:
FIRST: It makes the Ghost back-heavy - literally - the balance of the Ghost shifts to the back when the Phantom sits in it's dock. Hell if the engines were on the other end, it would look like the Phantom is the Ghost's cockpit. It's simply too large and juts out waaay too much.

THIRD: Look at the photo of the Star Wars Rebels below. Looks great right? Notice anyone missing? Where is Mandalorian Weapons Expert Sabine Wren? Let me guess: We have to buy something else to have it. Booooo
FOURTH: This particular LEGO Star Wars Rebels The Phantom, was purchased from Toy Kingdom in Megamall here in the Philippines for waaaaaaaayyyyyy too much. It is available on Amazon for US$ 24.99 (Roughly PhP 1,124. We paid more than twice that).

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