To be perfectly honest we really weren't planning on getting the Transformers Combiner Wars Silverbolt which would allow us to create the mighty Superion.
But after having so much fun with the mega-mighty Ultra Prime, we had to check him out and see if Superion was just as much fun.
To the uninitiated, this is Superion, the gestalt form of the Aerialbots. The Aerialbots were a group of Autobots cold constructed by the G1 Autobots as a response to the Decepticon Team, the Stunticons.
They were intentionally created to all be flyers because the Decepticons always had air-superiority and because the Decepticons had created the Stunticons to be land vehicles.

Transformers Combiner Wars Silverbolt's blister card reads "The leader of the Aerialbots forms the core of the team's combined form Superion. A single-minded force bent only on Decepticon destruction."
We reviewed the rest of the Aerialbots - at least those released - here in our review of the Combiner Wars Optimus Prime.
But we never saw Superion as a single minded force. We think he'd be more complex than that.
In our review of the Aerialbots, we praised them for how they felt like complete Transformers toys - instead of stubby knobs that transformed into appendages. Past Combiner cores also had some form of distortion in order to make up for a much broader chest and the need for half-a leg (Which is why a lot of people don't like how broad Combiner Wars Optimus Prime's chest is)
So the FIRST thing we love about Silverbolt is his construction. Yes he seems a little talk and lanky, but nothing out of the ordinary. We are also SECOND particularly fond of that smirk on Silverbolt's face:
THIRD: Silverbolt's articulation is excellent, yes he can kneel:
Superion's Electrostatic Dischrage Rifle can seem to be a bit unwieldy and impractical for someone Siverbolt's size - even despite his size actually. BUT FOURTH: you can actually dismantle the weapon, creating a tiny buckler for Silverbolt - which fits because the original G1 Silverbolt had a blast-shield. The fact that the Electrostatic Discharge can be disassembled is NOT in the instruction sheet.
The G1 Silverbolt transforms into a French Concorde SST (Super Sonic Transport). The Combiner Wars Concorde transforms into something that looks like a Concorde that mated with something out of the movie Stealth. But we are fond FIFTH of the way Hasbro paid homage to the now retired Concorde by giving Silverbolt the Concorde's trademark dipping nosecone.
But first a little dark humor:
Couldn't help that. Anyway: The Combiner Wars SUPERION!!! The Gestalt form of the Aerialbots - with the Decepticon Dragstrip along for the ride:
First off, if we follow the instructions on how to transform Ultra Prime, then Ultra Prime and Superion are more or less the same size - with Ultra Prime having a beefier body. If we don't follow the instructions, then Ultra Prime is taller:

As with Ultra Prime Superion is very well built. Not once did any of his appendages fall off during the shoot and he is far more stable than Ultra Prime thanks to the solid groin area:
The Aerialbots can adjust to being arms or legs with no problem whatsoever and Superion is not as "thin" from the side as Ultra Prime.
Superion's faceplate head is a fine salute to his original G1 look:
The SEVENTH and BEST thing though about the Transformers Combiner Wars Silverbolt, is that we found and unofficial way to merge him with Ultra Prime - solving how thin Ultra Prime is from the sides.
Ultra Prime has a pair of tabs hanging free on his back where his arm plates fold. They lineup nicely with Silverbolt's chest plate if brought out while Silverbolt is in Concorde mode. Silverbolt's need to fall away at a diagonal angle keeps him in place. However too much movement and Silverbolt will simply slide down.
You can of course go overboard and throw Thundercracker into the mix:
Naturally Ultra Prime becomes VERY top heavy and all his articulation practically disappears. But DAMN he looks good!
Four things: FIRST: The gestalt between Silverbolt (With thanks to Justin Parr for correcting this typo :) ) and Ultra Prime is not official. It's a small transition that Hasbro should have seen we think.
SECOND: When Silverbolt is in Concorde SST mode, there is no room to mount his Electrostatic Discharge cannon - except up front and it looks weird. It's also weird to have such a bulky underside for a Concorde.

And FOURTH: Superion does not have a neck. He can't look up or down. He has to twist his entire body. Perhaps this is what they mean about him having a "singular vision"
The Transformers Combiner Wars Silverbolt was purchased at retail from Toy Kingdom in Megamall here in the Philippines for PhP 1, 499.75 (US$ 33.32). It is available on Amazon for US$ 29.98 (PhP 1,349.10 plus shipping).
Prime is better.
You mean silverbolt, in your 4 not to likes right?
ReplyDeleteThat we do. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteCompleted superion not long ago. I enjoy it very much.