Alright, a scene where Luke Skywalker activates his lightsaber while riding a rearing TaunTaun probable never happened, but you have to admit it looks cool - though I think you can get away with doing this in Star Wars Battlefront and Star Wars Battlefront II.
Now there are actually several subspecies of this repto - mammal distantly related to the Kybuck and indigenous to the planet Hoth. The specific subspecies used as both a pack animal and a scout-mount by the Rebel Alliance is the Giant TaunTaun.
Tauntauns are omnivorous and have - get this - scaly skin covered in fur, lack mammary glands, give birth to live young (Which they fed by regurgitating a milky substance), and are warm blooded. So they're part Frilled-Lizard, part Kangaroo - yes Marsupial are mammals.

Before we say anything, we have to say that the Star Wars Vintage Edition Luke Skywalker's Tauntaun, DOES NOT Come with Luke Skywalker (Bummer). You have to get the Star Wars Vintage Edition Luke Skywalker on your own - which is what I did.
What you get instead is a very highly-detailed - love how the frozen ice detail and dirt was worked into the Tauntaun's exterior - he even has a shorn off horn - with.... average articulation (He could stand to have some more leg articulation, but then he is top heavy) and a removable saddle and bridle.
Here's the Star Wars Vintage Tauntaun without his tack:
Personally I do not think his tail is long enough or heavy enough to act as a counterbalance.
Here's the Star Wars Vintage Edition Tauntaun with his tack:
Unlike the Power of the Force Tauntaun, the Star Wars Vintage Edition Tauntan does not have a button on the back that you can press so that his legs moved - also made it very hard to pose him. I prefer him this way. Especially when you can get such great poses out of the Tauntaun with Luke Skywalker astride.
Here's Luke Skywalker just cruising along on his Tauntaun at 90kph:
Luke sees something and draws his blaster, the Tauntaun steadie itself by spreading his legs into a wider stance - note how, despite not having any knee or hip joints, the Tauntaun just keeps standing? That's because of the amazing articulation in the figure's ankles.
Luke then decides to charge the enemy with his lightsaber ablaze:

The original Kenner Tauntaun back in the 1980 had spring loaded "trap doors" on the top and on the bottom. Since toy articulation was not high at the time and the characters could not splay their legs to ride the Tauntaun, you simply slid the character into the trap door on the saddle portion of the Tauntaun, the character's open legs were already pre-molded onto the saddle. Conversely, if you wanted to see Luke Skywalker snug inside a Tauntaun, flip the Tauntaun and shove him inside where the sun don't shine. The 1982 Tauntaun replaced the lower trap-door with rubber lips.

And lastly, despite definitely having a ton more of articulation over the original 1980, 82 and Power of the Force Tauntauns, I think his articulation can still be improved. My biggest problem with his articulation was the inability to make his head look down - especially when he's rearing.
This particular Star Wars Empire Strikes Back Vintage Edition Luke Skywalker's Tauntan was purchased on Amazon from Buy 4 Less UK for US$ 29.76 plus shipping.
A definite wonderful piece that I just need to tack into place.
A fantastic beastie. I've been meaning to pick up one of these and the Dewback even though I don't collect Starwars (only use the figures for parts and customizing). This is how monsters and animals should be made, they don't have to go all out on articulation (but it is appreciated when something like the MotUC Griffin, Indiana Jones Horse or Hobbit Warg comes along).
ReplyDeleteAlso, that Pose with Lightsaber in the air, wonderful.
Thanks Doc! I know what you mean! I'm also looking for a Dewback - and Han Solo's TaunTaun - but they're so hard to find or are incredibly expensive.