There is a lot of controversy surrounding Marvel's marketing choice to ignore the creation of female action figures just because they believe boys - referring to 4 year olds which is the target market usually found on the packaging - do not want to play with "dolls."
This belief has even led to the "re-gendering" of the Velociraptors Blue, Charlie, Delta and Echo from Jurassic Park. Their packaging lists them as male, despite the fact that they were female in the movie.
Whoever thought of this idea clearly has never been to a Toycon.
This explains the severe lack of Black Widow and, now, even Scarlet Witch action figures in the market. So when this 3.75" 5-points of articulation Age of Ultron Scarlet Witch appeared in our local Toy's R' Us, we had to grab it.

Of course if you follow comic books, then you know that the Scarlet Witch is no longer a mutant.
As you can see in the blister pack she comes with a pair of "hex" bolt manifestations.

FIRST: Five points of articulation? Didn't Disney learn anything from their shelf-warming mission series figures? True they are fine troop builders, but in general they are pretty much useless.
So now they're making Marvel Universe figures with 5-points of articulation? It's a shame considering the dance like quality of movement that the Scarlet Witch had in the Age of Ultron movie. This representation just stands there and does... well practically nothing.
We should probably be thankful that her hair is soft enough to allow her head to turn.
Speaking of heads, SECOND: The quality control in the production of the Avengers Age of Ultron Scarlet Witch 3.75" Action Figure is poor. We had to spend a considerable amount of time decaffeinating so that we could draw on her lacking eyebrows:
THIRD: She looks nothing like Elizabeth Olsen:
FOURTH: The Marvel Age of Ultron Scarlet Witch 3.75" action figure still looks like a zombie when casting her hexes:

FIRST: Well.... we suppose it's nice to have one. She looks great simply posed with the other movie characters. As long as you don't need to pose her in combat, you should be fine.
As mentioned, this particular Marvel Age of Ultron Scarlet Witch 3.75" action figure was purchased from Toys R' Us here in Manila for PhP 399.75 (Roughly US$ 8.88. She is available on Amazon for US$ 8.99 (Roughly PhP 404.55) plus shipping.
Hopefully we'll see a Marvel Universe version of her on day. Maybe when the Marvel Civil War comes out.
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