Presenting Part 2 of our Darth Krayt/Asharad Hett review. This time we will be focusing on the founder of the One Sith Empire - and one of the more expensive STAR WARS 2-pack characters in the market today, Darth Krayt - who retails with
Imperial Knight Sigel Dare for as high as US$ 79.95 and is currently available for US$ 55.95 on Amazon (PhP 2,579 plus shipping).
You know? I don't remember how the 2-pack came into my possession though I am 100% sure that I did not pay that much for the pack. If I'm right, I lucked out on the duo and bought Darth Krayt and Sigel Dare at retail price.

Before we begin in earnest, we have to point out that there is some debate as to whether or not Darth Krayt's armor is Vonduun Skerr Kyrric or Vonduun Crab - the biological armor used by the Yuuzhan Vong in the Star Wars universe. It is a definite sure that Darth Krayt is afflicted with Coral Seeds (Yorik-Kul) - biological implants that allow Yuuzhan Vong slaves to receive mental commands but lose their sentience in the process - and this is seen on Darth Krayt's arms, but his armor?
Personally I think that it is Vonduun Crab because when Darth Krayt activated the Sith Holocron of Darth Andeddu in an attempt to find a solution to his Coral Seed problem, Darth Andeddu forced Darth Krayt's armor to grow to the point that Darth Krayt resembled a Krayt Dragon.