We're not going to debate the pros and cons of this particular Transformer because it's a classic which means it can't really do much but rocks our socks off.

Of course all of this is unknown to Ginrai - including the fact that he's imbued with the Masterforce which allows him to combine. He transforms into his armored form and with the body of Optimus Prime purely by accident becoming a Godmaster (Lotta blasphemy in this cartoon, bear with me).
As a Godmaster, Ginrai comes armed with not one, but two "Superconductor Rifles". In this form, Ginrai can condense his "Chokon" power (Supposedly the Transtector has more power than the sun inside him) into an "Atomic Fire Guts" attack from one cannon which is a fire based energy attack. The actual toy unfortunately has limited articulation:
In a subsequent cartoon, Ginrai, now a reluctant member of the Autobots tasked with fighting the Decepticons and finding other Godmasters, is transported by his Transtector back to his birthplace, and blasts the side of a mountain open to reveal his trailer:
Ginrai again by accident learns that he can combine with his trailer becoming Super Ginrai - a larger version of himself armed with an additional dual Particle Beam Cannons. His "Fire Guts" attack becomes a more damaging "Special Fire Guts" attack.

Though not shown in the cartoons, Ginrai's trailer can also become a base:
Being the biggest, baddest kahuna on the planet, Super Ginrai becomes the reluctant leader of the Autobots and everything is fine till the younger brother of Fortress Maximus - Grand Maximus - comes over to tell the Autobots that they're all doomed because BlackZarak (Scorponok) is on his way to the planet. This forces them to start the development of the Godbomber (Apex Bomber), an Autobot Drone superweapon (That later gains sentience). Initially Godbomber was just a trailer. He only later reveals the ability to transform into a robot.
The two eventually learn to fight side-by-side:
And form a really long trailer:
The two harness Super Ginrai's Chokon power to become God Ginrai who now uses the God Cannon and has the ability to transform his entire body in an ultimate strike attack called "God Fire Guts" which changes his entire body into a fireball.
God Ginrai also has another form where you lose the new arms and re-position the wings known - rather chickenly - as God Breaster - since he only has the God Breast attached:
Eventually the Transtector gains his own sentience based upon Ginrai's personality and goes to space - without the human - to join the greater war against the Decepticons. He's destroyed (Enter hideous laughter here) and is rebuilt as Victory Leo.
We close with a look at the new Xovergen TrailerForce TF-01 Third Party Powermaster Optimus Prime.

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