What do I think of the costume? Well there's the Filipino joke that basically says that Spider-Man is a "REAL MAN" because he can make a sticky-white fluid appear from his hands. This costume seems to reinforce that idea because it includes an arrow pointing straight to his gonads. I swear if the movie bombs there is going to be a lot of jokes about this costume.

A quick look at the figure in the package seems to hint that Spider-Man does not have a neck and that he cannot twist his torso - which seems to be the common trend in Hasbro's movie-action figures as we've seen with Captain America and Loki from the Avengers' Movie Toy Series.

Happily, he does have a neck. It just seems short because his head has a ball-joint type of articulation, but the neck is indeed there. Unfortunately, yes, Ultra-Poseable Spider-Man cannot twist his middle torso. His primary "twist" ability is in his upper torso.
Also, the blister pack reveals the traditional Spider-Man "gang-sign" that he uses to launch his webs for his left-hand. The action action-figure does not have any such hand. Both of the Ultra-Poseable Spider-Man's hands are in a semi-open/close position.

He really IS Amazingly poseable! Ultra-Poseable Spider-Man has the following additions to your standard Marvel Universe Action figure:
- Double joints for the elbows;
- Ball joint for the head
- Ball joing for the feet allowing them to swivel and turn
- New wrist joints akin to the new wrist joints of most of the 25th Anniversary G.I. Joe figures allowing for up and down movement.

It's normally a pain to shoot someone like Spider-Man because he's an acrobatic fighter and he sticks to walls so this shoot had to get a little bit... creative - but fun:

Happily Ultra-Poseable Spider-Man doesn't have to be serious all the time:

Happily Ultra-Poseable Spider-Man doesn't have to be serious all the time:

Other than the arrow that guides his opponents to his weakest point, I'm not particularly happy about Ultra-Poseable Spider-Man's shoes. It looks like a NIKE commercial about to happen. the Amazing Spider-Man wears rubber shoes? Really? I knew he was poor but that's pushing it a little.
Also, most people who end up with this figure would love to have it pose it - it is after all the Ultra Poseable Spider-Man. So the absence of peg-holes (And a stand) to help Spider-Man get into really nice poses is a real drag.
Hopefully no one will accuse me of going to China and stealing this from Hasbro again because it's only available on Amazon only as a pre-order item (Release date June 8, 2012) for US$ 16.95 (Roughly PhP 728 plus shipping). I purchased the Ultra-Poseable Spider-Man from Toys R'Us Philippines in Robinsons Galleria for PhP 499.95 (Roughly US$ 11.62).
One last negative thing about this figure is that it was made in China which is currently trying to bully the Philippines - where I and the Dungeon are - from fishing grounds that are practically a stone's throw away from our shores. Rather than defer to international courts and treaties, China resorts to saber rattling and threatening a country that cannot fight back. They've actually gone so far as to announce on public television that the Philippines belongs to China and preparing their army for "invasion". This type of expansionist thinking once plunged the world into a World War. So pray do pray for all of us. Or better yet, write your local Chinese consulate or get to know more about the Panatag Shoal crisis.
Amazing figure indeed.