Batman Arkham Knight Action Figure |
Presenting the Arkham Knight from the highly successful Batman video game of the same name.
In a nutshell, this is Jason Todd, the second Robin (The one we all voted to kill... well we did anyway, sorry about that) that the Joker allegedly killed.
For those unfamiliar with the video-game, Jason Todd replaces Dick Grayson as Robin and is seemingly killed by the Joker. Unbeknownst to Batman, the greatest Detective on Earth, Jason is still alive and has been kidnapped by the Joker.
The Joker tortures and mentally breaks Jason Todd in an abandoned wing of Arkham Assylum FOR A YEAR. You know how heroes always cling to hope and say "The Batman will come for me"? Well the Joker makes Jason cast away all hope by showing him pictures of the Batman with the new Robin (Tim Drake).
Broken, the Joker brands Jason with a "J" on his forehead and says that Jason is now his sidekick. Jason almost gives in and is about to reveal Batman's true identity when the Joker decides to shoot him in the head (Personally, we believe that he was bored and it wouldn't be any fun for the Joker if he knew the Batman's true identity).
But Jason lives! (Just had to say it). And filed with anger, the Arkham Knight is born.